• 2021. February 18.

    Hungarian Television's cultural TV program namely Magyar Krónika (Hungarian Chronicle) presented Cardinal Péter Pázmány's life and life work. In the documentary among others Péter Tusor leader of the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Goup gave an interview about Cardinal Pázmány's career and life. Péter Tusor mentioned also the scientifical opportunities of the researching in the Vatican Apostolical Archives.

  • 2021. February 5.


    One of the best renowned historians in the topic of early modern papal diplomacy Alexander Koller has published a review about Rotraud Becker's and Péter Tusor's latest book “Negozio del S.r Card. Pasman”. Péter Pázmány’s Imperial Embassage to Rome in 1632 (With Unpublished Vatican Documents) in the journal of Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken.

     Here you can reach the review.

  • 2021. February 18.

    Viktor Kanász research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group held an online lecture on 17th of February at the course of István Hatvani College in Debrecen. In his lecture Viktor Kanász focused on Vatican Apostolic Archives' history and myths. As well as he analyzed the opportunities for a researcher in the Apostolic Archives.
    Finally he also introduced our Research Group for those interested.

  • 2021. January 14.


    Michaela Valente has published a  review in the famous journal Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique about the joint work of Edizioni Sette Città and Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group namely Gli “angeli custodi” delle monarchie: I cardinali protettori delle nazioni. The mentioned joint book has published in Viterbo in 2018. Roman book presentation was in 2019 at Pontificia Università della Santa Crocé.

  • 2021. January 8.


    Leading conservative daily Die Presse has published a detailed article about Bischofslexikon der Habsburgermonarchie 1804–1918. The Lexicon edited by University of Vienna and Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group. The volume of more than 700 pages has been published by Duncker & Humblot (Berlin).

    Lexicon presentations in Rome, Vienna and Budapest are under organization. We are waiting for the end of the pandemic situation.


  • 2021. March 1.

    Katalin Nagy in 2019 as a graduate student of Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica became external member of Fraknói Research Group. Within this capacity in Rome she is the researcher resident of the Fraknói Research Group. She represents our scientifical community by several scholarly events or by organizing conferences. (Like here and here) Among her tasks Katalin Nagy is also responsible to share with the Research Group’s members roman scientific events that are available on our heading

    Thanks to Katalin's residency in Rome and her permanent access to  Vatican Apostolic Archive during Covid lockdown our members could have worked on their research continously. Obviously this position is another step forward in the life of the Research Group to reach the main purpose, namely a Hungarian Historical Institute in Rome.

    Finally, we are glad to announce that Katalin Nagy finished her doctoral program at University La Sapienza and she obtained her PhD degree. Her professors, were Giancarlo Schirru (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”) and Alessandro De Angelis (Università degli Studi di Messina).

  • 2021. March 8.

    The Università degli Studi della Tuscia and the Fraknói Research Group are initiating a call for research papers for the 2022 issue of the Eastern European History Review. The topic of the thematic issue: Central and Southern Europe between the Christian and the Ottoman world: conflicts, clashes and compromises (16th-18th centuries).

    More details are available here.

  • 2021. April 2.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Vilmos Fraknói Research Group commented  József Mindszenty's life in the broadcast 'Magyar Krónika'. MTVA made a whole documentum movie about the Cardinal's reburial.

     Here you can reach the documentary.

  • 2021. March 26.

    Viktor Kanász member of the Research Group participated in MTVA broadcast namely 'Ez itt a kérdés' 'This is the question' with Mária Prokopp and Szabolcs Sajgó S.J. The educational conversation's topic were Hungarian Kingdom during the Middle Ages, medieval catholicism and Esztergom's heritage.

  • 2021. March 14.


    Since 2015 under the organisation of ’HAS–PPCU Lendület Research Group’ Fraknói Summer Academy have been existing. After 2017 the organizer institution of the Summer Academy has changed to ’HAS-PPCU Vilmos Fraknói Historical Research Group’. The Summer Academy’s main goal has always been to integrate the academic projects with the professional researching.

    In order to integrate more efficiently a new sub-series has been launched in 2019 by Fraknói Research Group therefore publishing the latest results that are presented in the Summer Academy. The new subseries named ’Lectures on Fraknói Summer Academy’. In the first part Bitskey István’s lecture has been published named as 'Bishops in the border castle'.

    This publication is now being followed by new ones by István Fazekas 'Bishops of Eger at the Court of Vienna (16th-17th centuries) and by Béla Vilmos Mihalik 'Milestones and turning points in the history of diocese of Eger (1699-1761)'  (CST III/34).

    Last but not least Research Group has launched series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae's third sub-series (CVH Classis III) with Krisztina Tóth's new research which was presented last year in Budaörs, 'Holy See and Trianon's ecclesiastical consequences'.

    Next Summer Academy going to be organize in Győr and partly in Pannonhalma.



  • 2021. April 22.

    Péter Tusor leader of the Fraknói Research Group participated at an online conference namely 'A Jezsuita oktatás Közép-Európában a nagyszombati egyetem és gimnázium példáján' 'Jesuit education in Central Europe example of University and High School of Nagyszombat' on 22th of April 2021. He also gave a lecture entitled  'A jezsuita gimnáziumi adatbázis és a kora újkor kutatás új távlatai (A költő Gyöngyösi példája)' 'Database of Jesuit High Schools students and the new perspectives of Early Modern Ages' research (example of the poet Gyöngyösi)

    (Latest result are here and here.)

    Here you can watch the conference.

  • 2021. May 5.

    Fraknói Research Group purpose is the permanent scientifical presence in Rome. As a proof of that purpose Archivio Apostolico Vaticano's management placed Krisztina Tóth's and Péter Tusor's joint work Inventarium Vaticanum I. in Sala dei Indici.
    The volume that is a unique undertaking even on international level processes the material of the Apostolic Nunciature of Budapest from the diplomatic fonds of the Vatican between the two world wars in the form of a synoptic inventory. Its preparation connected to the strategically important Hungarian historical research in the Vatican, which has a long tradition and is characterized by the name of Vilmos Fraknói, replaces the work of the Hungarian Historical Institute in Rome that currently functionally does not exist.

  • 2021. May 8.

    On 7th of May 2021 György Sági junior member of Fraknói Research Group gave a lecture entitled 'Report of a phantom archive"  at an online conference powered by DOSZ (Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége).
    Since 2019 György Sági has been the archivist of the Hungarian Monk's Archives where his duty is arrange documents. The participants of the conference got an inside view of an archives' everydays.

  • 2021. May 10.

    On 8th of May 2021 Viktor Kanász assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group held a lecture at an online conference powered and organized jointly by Vestigia Research Group (PPCU) and Archivio di Stato di Modena namely A Pótól a Dunáig. Az Este-udvar és Magyarország kapcsolatának évszázada Kanász gave insight into nuncio Girolamo Martinengo's work at Court of Vienna and Kingdom of Hungary and he analyzed his reports during the year 1552.


  • 2021. June 2.

    On 31th of May 2021. two members of our Research Group Tamás Kruppa and Viktor Kanász participated at online conference Európa elfeledett hadszíntere – A tizenöt éves háború és Magyarország (1591–1606). The conference focused on Long Turkish War's Hungarian battlefield.

    After István Kenyeres' opening speech Tamás Kruppa held a lecture which focused on Papal Armies' campaigne in Hungary. The lecture based on Gianfrancesco Aldorandini's documents and on newly published letters.

    After that during his lecture Viktor Kanász analyzed city of Kanizsa's occupation in 1600.

  • 2021. May 29.

    The Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ) organized the regular annual conference in 2021 in University of Miskolc, Hungary. DOSZ held a multidisciplinary scientific conference labelled as the Spring Wind Conference in Miskolc, between 28-30. May 2021.

    György Sági member of the Research Group participated on it with a lecture namely „Az utolsó általános főnöknői ’Relatio quinquennalis’ (1943–1947) – Az iskolák államosítása- és a szerzetesrendek feloszlatása előtti utolsó helyzetkép a Miasszonyunkról Nevezett Kalocsai Szegény Iskolanővérek Társulatának állapotáról és működéséről” 
    His lecture focused on the order School Sisters of Notre Dame's circumstances in Kalocsa, Hungary in the 20th century.

  • 2021. June 7.

    The 7th National Meeting of Church Historians was organized on 27th and 28th of May.(program). After Mons. Tamás Tóth's opening speech (CVH I/6 He has relation with Fraknói Research Group since a decade) Rev. Máté Gárdonyi gave a lecture. After that external member of Fraknói Research Group, Balázs Rétfalvi showed his latest results in the topic of "clerics in the 20th century in Hungary".

    In the second part of the conference organizers held a book fair, where the Research Group presented newest volumes for example (CVH I/17; CST II/2) Bischofslexikon the latter book made in international joint work and published in Berlin.

    The Bishofslexikon going to be present in Budapest (22th of September) in Rome (7th of October) and in Vienna (20th of October).

  • 2021. July 3.

    The seventh book fair which focuses on Middle Ages were organized on 2nd of July in Budapest by Section of Linguistics and Literary Scholarship of Hungarian Academy of Science and National Archives of Hungary. Apart of the most reputed Hungarian Universities' press' Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group appeared also on the event. Research Group's every  books which focus on Middle Ages were available at our stand. During the fair Gábor Nemes and Viktor Kanász answered for any inquiries.

  • 2021. June 24.

    In the last days nearly half a hundred books were given to National Archives of Hungary's libraries. Research Group's two series namely Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae and Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum now are available nationwide. Viktor Kanász, György Sági and Péter Ekler took part in this project.


  • 2021. July 12.

    Series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae new volume I/18. kötete namely Klerikusszentelések a Római Kúriában a Magyar Szent Korona Országaiból (1426–1523) has been published at the beginning of the Summer 2021. Tamás Fedeles research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group edited the book which presents precisely nearly 800 Hungarian clerics promotions in Rome during the late Middle Ages. This volume publish hitherto unknown priests' names and other data of them.

    Since 2002 this mentioned volume is the seventh which pay attention to Hungarian Middle Ages and Hungarian Roman relations. Earlier:  CVH I/1 (Artner-okmánytár); I/7 (Consistorialia Doc. Pontif.); I/9–10 (Cameralia Doc. Pontif.); I/12 (Brevia Clem.); I/16 (Reg. Suppl. Hadr. VI); II/1 (Reg. Convent Contr.).


    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, Viktor Kanász, Gábor Nemes and Krisztina Tóth research fellows of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group also took part in the new volume as editors and reader editors.

  • 2021. July 26.

    Series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae new volume (CVH II/8) has been published owing to an international cooperation of Fraknói Research Group and the czechish University of Olmütz.

    The editor of the book, Antonín Kalous published the main sources of the papal nuncio Angelo Pecchinoli's legation. Apart of the latin sources mentioned newly published book namely  "Angelo Pecchinoli pápai legációja a magyar királyi udvarban (1488–1490)"  contains a detailed study, regestas and an index.

    This book and the cooperation are a new milestone in the Roman professional life of the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group.


  • 2021. August 8.

    The seventh Fraknói Summer Academy was organized in Győr between 6-8 August 2021. Participants listened lectures on topic of church history. Curators of the event as every year were Péter Tusor and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi, the directors and organizers were Gábor Nemes , Viktor Kanász and vice-organizer was Róbert Oláh.

    On the first day the participants were welcomed by the curators as well as Gábor Nemes. Rev. Zoltán Lukácsi who deputized for S.E.R. András Veres bishop of Győr during the event closed this line. Thereafter the day was divided four sections. In the first section Kornél Szovák, Tamás Fedeles , Gábor Nemes gave lectures in the topic of Medieval Church history. In the second section Zsófia Kádár , Róbert Oláh and Szuly Rita held lectures in the topic of early modern ages.
    During the second part of the first day were organized István Fazekas, Zsófia Kádár and László Pilikta's joint book book presentation about Győr's early modern jesuit college's students' database. As closing of the program Kornél Szovák made a life interview with Gáspár Csóka OSB. After the interview  Mons. TamásTóth, Rev. Máté Gárdonyi, Zoltán Gőzsy and Balázs Rétfalvi took part on a round table discussion on the Church history writing.

    On the second day, 7th of August lectures were continued, several historical topics and eras were mentioned. József Horváth, Tamás Dénesi, András Forgó, Rev. Zoltán Lukácsi gave presentations during the first section.
    In the Academy's second day second section presenters referred to the XX. century's subjects. Ildikó Németh, Domokos Szokolay, Róbert Petes and finally Krisztina Tóth gave lectures. After the scientifical schedule in the afternoon participants took a trip to Pannonhalma where they visited the Abbey's Archives and Library. Then as a closing program Academy met with S.E.R. Asztrik Várszegi Emeritus Archabbot .

    On Sunday, 8th of August Summer Academy's members attended the Holy Mass which was celebrated by S.E.R. András Veres at the Basilica of Győr. Finally participants were hosted at Diocese Archives, Library and Visitor's Center in Győr.




  • 2021. September 13.

    By reason of Pope Francis's attendance at International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest Péter Tusor leader of the Fraknói Research Group was the invited expert at the Hungarian Television. He and Viktor Zsódi SchP commented and explained Holy Father's daily schedule in Budapest. First part of the broadcast is available below.

  • 2021. September 9.

    You can reach all  lectures which were held on Fraknói Summer Academy between 6th and 8th of August including S.E.R. Asztrik Várszegi emeritus archabbot's closing speech on the second day in Pannonhalma.

  • 2021. September 28.

    On 23rd of September 2021 Prof. Rupert Klieber (University of Vienna) held a lecture of entitled 'The Second Vatican Council 1962-1965. Misjugded by supporters and opponents?' at Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. Mentioned lecture is available here.

    After Roberto Regoli and Silvano Giordano's presentations this lecture was the third international event which was organized by Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group for students at Péter Pázmány Cathollic University. Available here and here.

    Apart of mentioned event the day before Rupert Klieber participated Bischofslexikon's  book presentation at Central Seminary in Budapest.

  • 2021. September 26.

    On 22nd of September 2021 Die Bischöfe der Donaumonarchie 1804 bis 1918. Ein amtsbiographisches Lexikon  was presented at Central Seminary in Budapest. This international co production had been prepared for more than 10 years.

    Apart of S.E.R. Lajos Varga Rev. Levente Balázs Martos rector of the Seminary also gave an opening speech for the many attendants. The Lexicon was presented by Csaba Fazekas (University of Miskolc). According to Csaba Fazekas, the book's integrated structure is highly useful for researchers. 

    Thereafter Prof. Rupert Klieber editor of the Lexicon gave a lecture about the project, in his speech he underlined that during the program the participants (apart of many others Péter Tusor, Krisztina Tóth, Zsófia Szirtes, István Fazekas, András Forgó) collected and written 126 bishops' biographies. At the end of the event Péter Tusor reminded the audience about the beginning of the Lexicon project.
    The mentioned volume's next book presentations will be on the 7th of October at Istituto Storico Austriaco in Rome and on the 20th of October at Hungarian Embassy in Vienna.


  • 2021. September 29.

    György Sági held a lecture entitled S.E.R. Nándor Takács and the restart of the monastic orders at the conference Churches and the Central European Transition on the 29th of September 2021 in Esztergom.

    In his lecture Sági presented the circumstances of the end of the Soviet era in Hungary. He also showed S.E.R. Nándor Takács's activity in the affairs of the restart of monastic orders.

  • 2021. September 23.

    Viktor Kanász  held a lecture entitled 'Nuncio Martinengo and Eger's siege in 1552' at  conference 'Eger and Italy' in Eger on 23rd of September 2021. Kanász analyzed Nuncio Martinengo's letters to Holy See in Rome. The lecturer stated that counter to the urban legends the Holy See paid close attention to the Hungarian situation.

    Fraknói Research Group's partner institue namely Vestigia (PPKE) Kutatócsoport also took part at the conference.


  • 2021. September 20.

    This year again one of our colleague has received the Bolyai-plaque. Hungarian Academy of Science’s highly valued prize has given to Krisztina Tóth research fellow of the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group. 
    During her research Krisztina Tóth explored nuntios' operations in Hungary in the Horthy era in the early 20th century.


  • 2021. October 7.

    On 29th of September 2021 Gábor Nemes research fellow and Róbert Oláh assistant research fellow of Fraknói Research Group held lectures at conference "Győr - from market town to city" in Győr. Conference's main topic was Győr's regional role from the middle ages until the 20th century.
    For this reason Gábor Nemes analyzed Győr's Cathedral Chapter's incomes during the late Middle Ages, especially the proceeds of the Abda's toll.
    Later on this day Róbert Oláh in his lecture did a prosopographic examination on the Cathedral Chapter of Győr. He determined the agglomeration of the Chapter.

    The conference was organized by the Museum of Győr.

  • 2021. October 7.

    After the Bischofslexikon's first book presentation on 22nd of September 2021 in Budapest last week on 7th of October was the second presentation at Istituto Storico Austriaco in Rome. Andreas Gottsmann director of the Institute gave happening's opening speech. After that editor Rudolf Klieber's editor and Péter Tusor's lectures followed. Official program was closing with Stephan Heid's lecture. 

    Involved project and event are the newest milestone of Fraknói Research Group's international scientific life. This Lexicon is the last decades' greatest common achievement of Austrian and Hungarian Church history.

    Last but not least Lexicon is going to present at Hungarian Embassy in Vienna on 20th of October 2021


  • 2021. October 11.

    On 8th October 2021 Viktor Kanász  research fellow of Fraknói Research and Dorottya Kriston (Vestigia Research Group, PPKE BTK) gave a joint lecture at ELTE's Youth Conference in Budapest. During they lecture on Pietro Duodo's work about the Habsburg Empire and Hungarian Kingdom Kanász and Kriston analyzed Duodo venetian agent's historical work. Duodo informed precisely the Venetian Signoria about the Hungarian circumstances under the rule of Rudolf I. of Austria. This document is a new step to understand the complicated relation between the Hungarian Kingdom and Italian states in the early seventeenth century. 

  • 2021. September 15.

    After several years fruitful co-working between Fraknói Research Group and University of Olmütz on 15th of September 2021 joint book namely The Legation of Angelo Pecchinoli at the Court of the King of Hungary (1488–1490) by Antonín Kalous was presented at Eötvös Collegium in Budapest. Richárd Horváth and Nemes Gábor research fellow of Fraknói Research Group gave laudations to Antonín Kalous and his work. 

    The present volume brings an edition of documents related to the legation of papal nuncio Angelo Pecchinoli, who travelled to the Hungarian royal court in 1488. He stayed at the court of Matthias Corvinus until the king’s death and followed closely the struggle for the throne of Hungary until the coronation of the new king, Wladislas II, in September 1490. The volume contains also an introductory study, which analyses all these aspects of the edited sources and sets them in general context of the times and of the papal government in late-medieval Europe.


  • 2021. October 18.

    On 15th of October 2021 newly published book namely Ordinationum Documenta Pontificia (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae I/18) by Tamás Fedeles was presented at headquarters of National Archives in Budapest. Mentioned book presentation was organized by National Archives' series 'Medieval Nights' and Fraknói Research Group. After György Rácz host's opening speech Norbert C. Tóth presented the volume. Fedeles collected and published clerics from Hungarian Kingdom who consecrated in Rome between 1425 and 1524. The edition was preceded by systematic Roman research at Apostolic Archives and many other Roman Archives. At the end of the event the author dedicated his volumes.



  • 2021. October 21.

    After Budapest and Rome on 20th of October 2021 last time in Vienna at the Embassy of Hungary Bischofslexikon was presented. Large number of attendees appeared in the headquarters of the Hungarian Embassy. The Hungarian Ambassador to Austria, the Dean of Theology Faculty of Vienna and Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Austria gave opening speeches. Thereafter former director of Institut für Össterreichische Geschitsforschung Prof. Thomas Winkelbauer presented the volume. Then Rupert Klieber and Péter Tusor described how they have organized this project through a decade. At the end of the happening S.E.R. András Veres, President of the Episcopal Conference of Hungary and Bishop of Győr, gave a closing speech.

    Winkelbauer's lecture is available here.

    Péter Tusor's remarks is available on the link. 

    Here you can reach S.E.R. András Veres' closing speech.  



  • 2021. October 28.

    The Fraknói Research Group held it's fifth workshop on 27 October 2021 at University of Szeged's Kuno Klebelsberg Library in Szeged where the volume Pápai csapatok Magyarországon (1595–1597, 1601) was presented by the author Tamás Kruppa. The book consists 137 letters from Aldobrandini correspondence.

    The volume in question is Tamás Kruppa’s first result from the Apostolic Archive. The book gave insight into the weekdays and circumstances of the papal army during the Hungarian campaign. In his lecture Kruppa presented precisely the pontifical army’s taken role in the Fifteen Years War. There  were  only  a  few  periods  in  the  history  of  Hungary  when  the  Western  countries, including the papacy, paid such attention to the Kingdom of Hungary and the Principality of Transylvania than that of during the Fifteen Years’ War. 


  • 2021. October 31.

    On 31st of October leader of the Fraknói Research Group Péter Tusor gave an interview to Radio Vaticana about Research Group newly published books. During the interview Tusor gave an insight into the process of the publication of Bischofsklexikon and of Antonín Kalous' book namely Angelo Pecchinoli pápai legációja a magyar királyi udvarban (1488–1490).

  • 2021. November 11.

    On 10th of November 2021 Péter Tusor held a lecture about 'Hungarian historical researches at Vatican Archives' at József Eötvös Collegium in Budapest.


    lecture's power point

  • 2021. December 14.

    The operational framework of the agents in Rome, who represented certain local churches, national communities, namely the representatives in the 19–20th century is less explored than that of their colleagues’ work in the 16–18th century. It is encouraging to note that more and more researchers deal with the interesting yet challenging unfolding of this role’s nature. The Fraknói Research Group organised a grandiose academical session, “The Agents of Foreign Communities and European-American States in Rome”, in Budapest, in the palace of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences already in September 2018. Later on, the lecturers analysed the actions of the agents in the 15–18th century, and then in 2019 they turned their attention to the 19–20th century on another international conference where Italian, Austrian and Hungarian academics were at present in the Eternal City. The even took place in the vintage Instituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, which used to be the residence of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops and Regulars until the existence of the Papal State. The symposium was organized in the framework of an international cooperation by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Viterbo (Università della Tuscia, DISUCOM) along with the Instituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, the Roman Centro Studi Emigrazione and the MTE-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group.

    The volume of studies containing the lectures of the successful event has been published lately as the 9th volume of the “Studi de storia delle instituzioni ecclesiastiche” series, edited by Péter Tusor and Matteo Sanfilippo in the Edizioni Sette Città of Viterbo. The volume of studies containing ten essays in Italian and in English besides the foreword of the editors examines this topic. This volume is the fifth publication of the Fraknói Research Group that was published in the framework of an international cooperation at a prestigious foreign publisher.

    The details of the volume: Gli agenti presso la Santa Sede delle comunità e degli stati stranieri II. secoli XVIII-XX. a cura di Matteo Sanfilippo, Péter Tusor, (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche 9) Viterbo: Sette Citta 2021.
