Viktor Kanász research fellow gave two lectures entitled ’Thúry György és Nagykanizsa’ on 13 December 2019.The event was organized by György Thúry Historical Open University at the headquarter of Lajos Batthyány High School.
The lectures payed attention to captain Thúry’s life and his work at Nagykanizsa. On the other hand Mr Kanász introduced Nagykanizsa’s early modern society to his audience as well as confessional and strategic affairs in the city.
2019. December 13.3396
2020. January 7.
Leader of the Research Group Péter Tusor gave an interview to Csaba Fazekas editor of Egyháztörténeti Szemle about Research Group’s works. Current interview focuses on members of the Group and on their works. The interview contains information and stories about the Research Group’s beginings, present and future. (Magyar történeti kutatások a Vatikánban a 20–21. század fordulóján. Beszélgetés Tusor Péterrel, az MTA-PPKE Fraknói Vilmos Római Történeti Kutatócsoport vezetőjével, Egyháztörténeti Szemle 20 [2019] 3. sz., 118--128.)
Interview avaible here.
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2020. January 22.
On 22nd of January 2020 Emil Hargittay’s and Csaba Péter Horváth’s newly published books were presented at Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. Both books focused on Cardinal Pázmány’s literary work. Hargittay Emil, the renowned literary’s newest book namely Pázmány Péter írói módszere presents and analyzes Pázmány’s author and argumentative method. Horváth’s monograph is the newest critical edition of Pázmány’s pamhlet namely Öt szép levél.(vö. Magyar Kurír).
By reason of the new books the Theology Faculty organized a round table discussion which focused on scientifical researching about Pázmány. Leader of the Fraknói Research Group Péter Tusor presented the state of historical research concerning the Cardinal. He recalled that last couple years Fraknói Research Group has published several books and monograph in the topic. (CVH I/3. CVH I/13. CVH II/6 és CVH II/7) Péter Tusor also shared the information that Viktor Kanász and Róbert Oláh members of the Research Group are working on the third volume of Cardinal Pázmány’s correspondence which will be the continuation of Ferenc Hanuy’s works.
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2020. January 24.
On 24th of January 2020 Fraknói Research Group and Medieval and Modern ages Church History Department of Theology Faculty organized a book presentation at Péter Pázmány Catholic University. The main goal of the occasion was to introduce the Theology Institute at Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia, R.) and his Church history workshop’s scientifical results.
In the first part of the event Edit Madas academic presented a series which contains 19 volumes about the famous and respected transylvanian bishop Áron Márton.
Then Rev. Tamás Tóth secretary of Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi Church historian commended several books in the topic of history of Diocese of Transylvania. After that block Rev. Csaba Török summerized Rev. Dávid Diósi canon of Gyulafehérvár’s books about the relationship between the Church and postmodernism. The next lecture was holded by Rev. Zoltán Oláh who presented they project about Septuaginta translate. The last one was József Marton Provost of Gyulafehérvár, who summed up the Institue’s past and results and also the future’s tasks.
In his closing remarks Péter Tusor leader of the Fraknói Research Group highlighted the importance of the Institution at Gyulafehérvár, which is one of the last hungarian Institution in South Transylvania.1313 -
2020. January 30.
On 30th January 2020 Péter Tusor leader of the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group held a lecture at a conference entitled ’Olasz hatás a magyarországi lelkiségre” "Italian influence on hungarian spirituality". The conference was organized by MTA-PPKE Research Group on Baroque Literature and Spirituality at Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest.
Péter Tusor in his lecture entitled ’A római egyházi előírások betartásának kérdései Magyarországon a 17. században’ gave insight into the effects of reforms of the Council of Trent in the Hungarian Kingdom. Péter Tusor presented the implementations of the Council’s decision in Hungary in the 17th century.1314 -
2020. February 19.
Gábor Nemes research fellow of MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group held a lecture on 19th February 2020 at Hungarian National Archives’ headquarters in Budapest. His lecture entitled ’Churches and clerics in Győr in the Late Middle Ages’. This event was the latest in program called ’Középkori Esték’ ’Medieval Evenings’.
The first part of the lecture focused on the Medieval Győr’s topography on several problematic locations. The second part of the lecture payed attention to the church society in the city of Győr. According to Gábor Nemes clerics' proportion in Győr between 1386-1526 reached 4-6%.
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2020. March 5.
It is always a great pleasure when a famous international publish house publish a book in hungarian history topic. Book presentation of Kirche und Kulturtransfer. Ungarn und Zentraleuropa in der Frühen Neuzeit (hg. von Maria-Elisabeth Brunert, András Forgó, Arno Strohmeyer, Münster, Aschendorff, 2019). were hosted by Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University, MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group and University of Pécs on 5th of March 2020.
The newly published book which was edited by András Forgó, Maria-Elisabeth Brunert and Arno Strohmeyer is the 40th part of the highly reputed series Schriftenreihe zur Neueren Geschichte. The book is based on an international conference lectures from the year 2011.
On the event after Péter Tusor’s opening speech Gábor Kármán (researching fellow, Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of History) and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi (head of department, Theology Faculty of Péter Pázmány Catholic University) presented the book for the numerous audiences.1339 -
2020. March 3.
Last week Viktor Kanász research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group gave two educational presentations one in Nagykanizsa and another in Budapest. The first was on 28th February 2020 at Nagykanizsai Szakképzési Centrum Cserháti Sándor Szakképző Iskola. The second one was on 3th March 2020 at Újpalotai Szabadidő Központ Közösségi Ház. The aim of these presentations were showing the research group’s works and professional researching methods.
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2020. March 12.
On 4th March 2019 Pope Francis has announced Vatican Apostolic Archives’ fonds from pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1968) will be avaible a year later. The news of the opening was written by the world press. Research fellows of the Fraknói Researcher Group were waiting also for the opening. Unfortunately the coronavirus kept people away from the historical opening on 2nd March 2020. But Krisztina Tóth research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group was there and she has started her newest research. Krisztina Tóth was glad to see that in the opened fonds are numerous hungarian related documents. She had only two days for researching in the Vatican Apostolic Archives because italian authorities also found an infected person in Rome. Therefore Vatican Apostolic Archives has disestablish the opening hours for an uncertain time. Krisztina Tóth is waiting for the end of epidemic and reopening Archives as other research fellows of the Researching Group.
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2020. March 31.
L’apertura degli Archivi della Santa Sede per il pontificato di Pio XII (1939–1958)
Katalin Nagy's (Farknói Research Group) report
From 2nd of March 2020 Vatican Apostolic Archives’ fonds from pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958) are avaible for researchers. Due to the openning on 21st of February Vatican Apostolic Archives organized an international conference namely L’Apertura degli Archivi della Santa Sede per il Pontificato di Pio XII (1939-1958) about the researcher’s opportunities in the newly opened fonds. Event was held in Istituto Patristico Augustinianum with more than 300 inquirings. The conference was opened by cardinal Pietro Parolin Secretary of State and after moderated by Paolo Vian vice-prefect of Apostolic Archives. During this historical conference numerous famous historian and archivist gave lectures and afforded hints for the researchers present. In his closing remarks Mons. Sergio Pagano highlighted the importance of ecclesiastical archives.
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2020. March 24.
In this hard period libraries and archives are closed as every museums and collections. Due to help the researching from home we have shared Research Group’s every books and publications. As a result of the decision more than 12000 pages scientific works are available on our website. Among others Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae’s 24 volumes and Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum’s 5 volumes. Check more publications by our researchers on .
Stay at home!
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2020. April 20.
Since the 20th of April 2020 series Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum’s fourth volume, namely Formularium Ecclesiae Strigoniensis' first editions are available for everyone on our website. This volume is a remarkable result of a project from 2018 which was supported by the Péter Pázmány Catholic University. Cardinal Péter Erdő, Kornél Szovák, Gábor Sarbak and the leader of the research group Péter Tusor participated in the project. This volume and related projects showing perfectly what is the purpose and task of the Hungarian Catholic University according to Fraknói Research Group. After publishing Formularium Ecclesiae Strigoniensis it was presented in both Rome, and Budapest.
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2020. May 6.
Since May series Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum’s third volume, namely Serédi Jusztinián, Magyarország hercegprímása (Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum, vol. I/3) is available for everyone on our website. Balázs Csiky’s monograph contains numerous unpublished sources about Archbishop Serédi’s achievements in pastoral and in canon law. The volume gives not just a comprehensive image on the life and career of Serédi, but presents new data from the rich source material available in the Vatican Archives.
The publication and edition of the book were supported by Fraknói Research Group and Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of History.
The book was presented on 3th April 2019 at Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. More information is available here
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2020. May 23.
On 22th Mai 2020 Gábor Nemes research fellow of Fraknói Research Group gave an interview on the MR1 Kossuth Radio about the Káptalandomb (historical downtown of Győr). He explained every milestones of the 1000 years old city. The interview can be accessed here .
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2020. May 30.
Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group’s predecessor’s project namely Die Bischöfe der Donaumonarchie 1804 bis 1918. Ein amtsbiographisches Lexikon, hg. von Rupert Klieber, Band I: Die röm.kath. Kirchenprovinzen Gran, Kalocsa, Erlau im Königreich Ungarn, unter Mitarbeit von Péter Tusor, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2020 (xviii + 661 p) has finished on Pentecost 2020. The project started in 2012 with the participation of Zsófia Szirtes, Krisztina Tóth, István Fazekas, and András Forgó. Here you can order the volume. Here you can see the list of authors and the literature used. More information is available here .
Bishops played a decisive role for the Habsburg Empire. Apart from their ecclesiastical agenda they emerged as state servants, ideology agents or nation builders. The first volume of the handbook is devoted to the biography, church career and ministerial performance of 128 roman-catholic bishops in the multi-lingual Kingdom of Hungary where they were an integral part of the political establishment. It offers a synopsis of local and international research enriched by references from central archives.
Hungarian version is being edited which will also contains the summary of experiences of co-work with Slovak historians. The editors hope that the second edition will be an expanded and improved edition. On the 100th anniversary of the Trianon tragedy we consider it an extremely serious achievement to achieve that in such a prestigious international publication Hungarian history appears essentially as Hungarian and not as other history.
Here you can order the volume.
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2020. June 29.
A new volume of Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum Classis II., Tom. 2. has been published „ History of the St. Stephen Association (1951-1965) A manuscript of Miklós Esty with an accompanying study edited by asistant research fellow, György Sági. The volume was published by the Gondolat Publishing House.
Miklós Esty (1895-1973) was a secular papal chamberlain and gentiluomo of three former cardinals (János Csernich, Jusztinián Serédi, József Mindszenty). His manuscript that covers the history of the St. Stephen Association in 1951-1965 was compiled based on various verbals of the Association.
The history of the Association perfectly symbolises the Hungarian domestic situations, which can be well followed through the troubles of the Association’s operation. In the course of its long history and through the hardships of the 20th century, the St. Stephen Association carried on functioning as a flagship for the Hungarian Catholic culture with the propagation of the cultural heritages in the present for the future.1488 -
2020. June 9.
Miklós Jávor has just defended his thesis and received his Ph.D. from Péter Pázmány Catholic University. Miklós's thesis namely "Egyházpolitika, békemozgalom és ateista propaganda a Kádár-rendszer korai éveiben (1957-1964)” looks into the Church policy in the early era of János Kádár. Miklós Jávor's novel method opens up new possibilities for understanding the era. The thesis going to be published in the series of Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum as a third volume. Previous volumes available here and here. Congratulations!
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2020. August 17.
The sixth Fraknói Summer academy was organized in Budaörs between 7-8 August 2020. Participants listened lectures on church history. Curators of the event as every year were PéterTusor and rev. Máté Gárdonyi, the director and organizer was Viktor Kanász.
On the first day the attendants were welcomed by the curators as well as the director. Thereafter István Fazekas, Krisztina Tóth, Margit Balogh, Gergely Mózessy gave lectures in various historical topics. After the lunch further lectures were followed by Norbert Tóth C., Viktor Kanász, Ágnes Dóbék and Miklós Jávor. As the closing of the program Norbert C. Tóth and Szabolcs Varga took part in a round table discussion on the battle of Mohács.
On the second day of the Summer Academy the attendants visited Budaörs Museum of local lore, the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk at Budaörs and the old cemetery. Thereafter rev. Máté Gárdonyi massed in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. Finally participants were hosted for a joint dinner.
Videos are available soon on the research Group's YouTube Channel.
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2020. August 26.
The Fraknói Research Group represented itself by three members at the conference 'Diocese of Veszprém in the Middle Ages' held in Veszprém on 27th August 2020.
Research fellow Tamás Fedeles analysed the relations between Apostolic Camera and Diocese of Veszprém.
Research fellow Gábor Nemes gave a lecture on Diocese Veszprém's roman relations.
Research fellow Viktor Kanász presented the city of Nagykanizsa medieval topography.
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2020. August 4.
Series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae new volume (CVH I/17) has been published at the beginning of August. Tamás Kruppa research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group edited the book which presents precisely the pontifical army’s taken role in the Fifteen Years War. The volume contains 137 letters from Aldobrandini correspondence. The volume in question is Tamás Kruppa’s first result from the Apostolic Archive. The book gave insight into the weekdays and circumstances of the papal army during the Hungarian campaign.
Viktor Kanász and Krisztina Tóth research fellows of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group also took part in the new volume as editors.1574 -
2020. September 11.
Gábor Nemes research fellow gave a presentation entitled of Papal’s diplomacy’s influence on relationship between Kingdom of Hungary and Holy Roman Empire. The workshop namely ’Diplomatic relations between the Holy Roman Empire’s „countries” and Hungarian Kingdom in the Jagello era’ was held at Institute of History in Budapest on 11th September 2020.
Gábor Nemes in his lecture examined Papal States’ foreign policy in the year 1526 and the political circumstances among Papal States, Holy Roman Empire and Hungary.1595 -
2020. September 15.
Rev. Máté Gárdonyi head of Faculty of Theology and also external member of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group held a lecture in topic of Eucharist at Budapest History Museum's Gothic hall on 15th September 2020. Gárdonyi quoted snippets of text from the Holy Bible where Eucharist appear. First half of his lecture he interpreted the above-mentioned parts and the Eucharist's history in the early Christian era. After that Rev. Gárdonyi examined accurately the main nodes in the 2000 years old history of Eucharist.
The event was powered by Ars Sacra festival.3397 -
2020. October 21.
On 21st of October 2020 „Veszprémi egyházmegye múltjából” series 35th and 36th volumes was presented at Central Seminary in Budapest. The event was powered by Vilmos Fraknói Research Group and Archives of Archdioces of Veszprém and the Central Seminary.
After Balázs Karlinszky’s welcome words István Hermann presented Viktor Kanász’s (research fellow of Fraknói Research Group) newest book namely (A veszprémi egyházmegye egyházlátogatási jegyzőkönyvei 1778–1779. I. Zala megye. Kiad. Kanász Viktor, Veszprém, 2020.) Hermann highlighted the visitation’s usefulness and the further oportunities of publishing.
Following this Rev. Máté Gárdonyi presented the Archdioces Archives of Veszprém’s newest conference volume which was edited by Balázs Karlinszky and Tibor László Varga (Rott Nándor és kora. A katolikus egyház 1918–1919-ben és a veszprémi püspökség a két világháború között. Szerk. Karlinszky Balázs–Varga Tibor László, Veszprém, 2020.) In the mentioned volume the Research Group’s team mates (Krisztina Tóth, György Sági and Mátyás Varga) participated in it with publications.
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2020. October 15.
Hungarian Academy of Science’s highly valued prize Bolyai-plaque has given to Tamás Fedeles research fellow of the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group.
During his research Tamás Fedeles explored relations between Hungarian Church and Camera Apostolica in the 14th and 15th centuries.Congratulations!
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2020. October 7.
The leader of the Research Group Péter Tusor gave a lecture for the reason of Péter Pázmány’s 450th birthday. The solemn event was organised by Péter Pázmány Catholic University at the headquarters of the University.
He divided his lecture for three main parts which reflected of Pázmány researching. Namely, the inauguration of Archbishop of Esztergom, his canonical investigation, and his ambassadorial visit to Rome in 1632.
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2020. October 23.
Due to the upcoming memorial year of Mohács battle Fraknói Research Group and University of Pécs has launched a new common project. The project's main goal is to process the Hungarian late medieval church history. The Mohács 500 project undertook to publish four monographs in hungarian, one monograph in english, three study volumes as well as five source publications. Beyond that the project undertook to publish in english and hungarian a representative publication and a bilingual biographical lexicon. Tamás Fedeles project manager will organize three conferences between 2020 and 2026.The planned issues will be published in Fraknói Research Group’s series Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae and in Thesaurus Historiae Ecclesiasticaein Universitate Quinqueecclesiensi. As well as the two mentioned above english volumes will be published in italian series Sette Cittá which is powered by Universita della Tuscia (Viterbo).
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2020. November 14.
405 years ago on this day Péter Pázmány got the papal breve which allowed him to be Archbishop of Esztergom. Five years ago for the 400th anniversary Fraknói Vilmos Vatican Historical Research Group has published a monograph on this topic with the Curia’s and Imperial Court’s documents of the nomination. (CVH I/13) We remember for the memorial year with István Bistkey’s book review from 2016. You can download the review from here .
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2020. November 24.
International Symposium The Agents of Foreign Communities and European-American States in Rome was organized in Budapest from 27 to 28 September by the Fraknói Research Group and the University of Tuscia DISUCOM (Viterbo). Lectures at the symposium discussed the questions related to the agents who had represented their local church's affairs at the Holy See in the early modern period. After a year in last November Fraknói Research Group and University of Tuscia DISUCOM presented their joint volume of studies in Rome namely Gli „angeli custodi” delle monarchia.
Nowadays mentioned above two instituts working together they share new common volume which is based on their last international conference at Istituto di Studi Romani in 2019. Edizioni Sette Cittá undertook to publish mentioned volumes in series Studi di Storia delle Istituzioni Ecclesiastiche. Here you can reach the newly published book.
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2020. December 18.
We are pleased to announce that Gábor Nemes research fellow of Fraknói Research Group has published a paper in Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. He isn’t the first Hungarian historian who published study in this remarkable journal. The great predecessors Pál Arató S.J., Lajos Pásztor and Gábor Adriányi after, nowadays Péter Tusor and András Fejérdy also published studies in AHP.
Gábor Nemes’s paper in question describes the diplomatic activities of Cardinal Pietro Isvalies in Hungary between 1501 and 1503. This study is the newest milestone of the cooperation between Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group and Universitas Pontificia Gregoriana. See previous chapters on cooperation here + pictures and here, here and here.
Here you can reach Gábor Nemes's study in AHP: Cardinal Pietro Isvalies, the Bishop of Veszprém
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2020. December 14.
Tamás Fedeles research fellow of Fraknói Research Group held a lecture entitled ’Szentszék, a magyar egyház és a török veszély a késő középkorban (1458-1526)’ (The Holy See, Hungarian Church and the Turkish danger in the late Middle Ages 1458-1526) at an online conference namely ’Hol sírjaink domborulnak – Mohács 500’.
Tamás Fedeles described the diplomatic relations between Holy See and Hungarian Kingdom, as well as the Hungarian bishops activities in relation to border protection. Fedeles gave an interview about his research to Vatican radio.