• 2022. December 14.

    On 13 December 2022, the latest volume of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae (CVH I/21) series, Hungary and the Holy See of Rome III, was presented in the Bogdánffy Szilárd Hall of the Central Seminary in Budapest.
    At the beginning of the event, Péter Tusor, head of the Fraknói Research Group, emphasised the symbolic significance of the event being held at this venue, as it was here that the Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae of Vilmos Fraknói was once launched with the collaboration of Cardinal Lajos Haynald Archbishop of Kalocsa. The publishing committee held its meetings in the same room of the seminary building between 1882 and 1892. Vilmos Fraknói had previously been a student of the institution for six years. The Fraknói Research Group aims to carry on this legacy through its research and publications. The head of the Research Group considered it important that the lectures of the VIII Fraknói Summer Academy, held at the beginning of August at the former Campus in Piliscsaba, were published in book form, along with other studies. In his short introduction, he also recommended the book. The book is dedicated to Kornél Szovák, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Péter Pázmány Catholic University and founding director of the Gyula Moravcsik Institute, on the occasion of his 60th birthday ("Exquisitae lucubrationes Cornelio Szovák amicabiliter dicatae"). 
    He was followed by the Rector of the Seminary, Levente Balázs Martos, and the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Nándor Birher, who welcomed the guests and congratulated the celebrated. In their speeches, they both emphasized the importance of the basic research volumes published by the Fraknói Research Group, published by Gondolat Publishing House, and praised the activities of the Research Group.
    Following the toasts, László Solymosi, Academician and Professor Emeritus of the ELTE, delivered Kornél Szovák's laudation.
    After him, György Rácz, lecturer at the PPKE BTK, Deputy Director General of the Hungarian National Archives, took the floor to present the medieval studies of the volume. György Rácz said of the volume as a whole that the studies follow each other in close chronological order, with writings by Kornél Szovák's colleagues and former students appearing among the authors. Each study is supplemented by one, two or more source texts in the appendix.
    András Forgó, former lecturer at PPKE BTK and current lecturer at University of Pécs, then took over the presentation of the other ten early modern, modern and recent writings in the volume.
    Following the presentation of the book, Miklós Maróth, founding Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University, and President of the ELKH, addressed the participants. In addition to his greetings, he stressed that Péter Tusor and Kornél Szovák are also revealing newer and newer Vatican sources and involving them in academic research and Hungarian and international discourse, thus enriching the knowledge of Hungarian historiography.

    Last but not least, Kornél Szovák expressed his thanks for the volume. He briefly looked back on his research and teaching career, remembering his teachers, colleagues and friends who have stood by him, worked with him and supported him in the past decades. Finally, he spoke of his students, many of whom have also made scientific achievements in the field of medieval studies.

  • 2022. December 14.

    As in previous years (see e.g. 2018  Budapest, 2019 Rome2021 Romema), the Fraknói Research Group continues its active cooperation with the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani  and the Centre for Papal History and Central European Studies at the University of Viterbo. The latter has a working relationship of a decade and a half with the Research Group. In the framework of this collaboration, the International Symposium on Foreign Colleges in Rome in the Modern Age (I Collegi per stranieri a Roma nell'età moderna) was held in Rome on 14 Dec. 2022, at the Aventine. The conference, which took the form of a "hybrid", was co-organised by the University of Chieti Egyetem. Among the speakers were Matteo Sanfilippo, Gaetano Platania, Giovanni Pizzorusso, Alessandro Boccolini, Jadranca Neralic, Tamás Véghseő and Péter Tusor. The ppt of his presentation in Italian is available here. The presentation on the Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum was also given in Hungarian at the Moravcsik conference the following day (conference programme available  here).

  • 2023. January 5.

    György Sági, scientific secretary of the Fraknói Research Group was a guest of Kossuth Radio. The interview focused on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who passed away on the last day of the year at the age of 95, the personality of Joseph Ratzinger, his image of the Church and questions related to his funeral.

    You can listen to the broadcast here.

  • 2023. January 13.

    The book "Papa, non più papa. La rinuncia pontificia nella storia e nel diritto canonico" (a cura di Amedeo Feniello e Mario Prignano, Viella, Roma 2022) has launched on 10 January 2023 in Rome at Palazzo Firenze.  The two main speakers were the President of the Dante Alighieri Society, Andrea Riccardi, and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. The event was moderated by journalist Massimo Franco. The Fraknói Research Group was represented at the event by its Vatican Archives Research Resident, Katalin Nagy. Below is her short report.

    The event was opened by Mario Prignano, one of the editors of the volume, historian and member of the Italian Society of Medieval History, who outlined the circumstances in which the idea of producing this volume was conceived. The idea for the book was born in the summer of 2020, during meetings held in Procida and Ischia, where the discussion was about popes and antipopes. In this way, a very interesting debate between historians and scholars of canon law was opened up. At that time, the University of Aquila started to organise a broader academic exchange of ideas, and the rector of the university, Professor Edoardo Alesse, immediately joined the project. In this way, the volume brings together the writings of the most authoritative personalities who have dealt with the subject in various ways over the years.
    The presentation of the volume was continued by Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. He drew attention to the topicality and importance of the subject. When Pope Benedict XVI unexpectedly announced his resignation to the cardinals gathered in the consistory on 11 February 2013.  That is why it is important to revive the centuries-old history of papal resignations with a volume dedicated to the subject," the Cardinal said. Professor Andrea Riccardi put the main message of the book in the context of his recent highly publicised writing. This is that the abdication of popes after Benedict XVI can no longer be considered a unique curiosity of the Middle Ages.

    The essays in this volume are as follows:


    • Roberto Rusconi, La rinuncia pontificia nella storia della Chiesa;
    • Paolo Golinelli, L’abdicazione - «gran rifiuto» - di Celestino V;
    • Johannes Grohe, «Quondam Papa». La rinuncia al tempo dello scisma d’Occidente;
    • Valerio Gigliotti, Pietro del Morrone e Joseph Ratzinger: diritto e teologia tra storia e contemporaneità;
    • Roberto Regoli, La novità del papato emerito. Unicità storica o inizio di nuovi tempi?;
    • Gianfranco Ghirlanda, La rinuncia al suo munus da parte del Romano pontefice: il canone 332;
    • Geraldina Boni, Prospettive de iure condendo;
    • Cristiana Caricato, 11 febbraio 2013;
    • Massimo Franco, La rinuncia prossima ventura.
  • 2023. February 6.

    Trianon meant the destruction not only of the Hungarian state, but also of the Hungarian ecclesiastical organisation (dioceses and the various monastic provinces). The issue affects relations between Hungary and the Holy See in many ways, but also goes beyond them in several dimensions.

    On 23 June 2021, the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group held a conference on the Church Historical Consequences of the Peace Treaty that ended World War I. The written version of the lectures presented at the conference, edited by György Sági and Péter Tusor, was published as volume 5 of the Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum series under the title "Hungarian Catholicism and Trianon".

    The full volume can be accessed and downloaded here.


  • 2023. January 24.


    On 24 January 2023, at 17:00, the third Frakno Workshop Lecture was held, organised by the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group. Katalin Nagy, the Fraknói Research Group's Vatican Archives Research Resident and Giulio Merlani, a doctoral student at La Sapienza University of Rome, gave a lecture on a 16th century topic entitled 'Gregorio XIII e l'Europa orientale: La visita apostolica del vescovo di Stagno Bonifacio de Stefani'.
    The workshop was opened by Péter Tusor, head of the Research Group. In his speech he welcomed and thanked the participants for their presence, presented the activities of the Research Group and summarised the future projects of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungraiae series. He mentioned that the series will soon include the publication of a monograph on Buonvisi. He also underlined that this is the first Italian-language lecture in the series of Fraknói Workshop Lectures.
    Giulio Merlani then gave the first part of the lecture. His presentation focused on the background to the apostolic visit and the way it was organised. He explained how, in the last decades of the sixteenth century, the Council of Trent and the Battle of Lepanto brought Central and Eastern Europe to the attention of Rome, with the aim of bringing the heterogeneous Danube-Balkan world back within the spiritual and geopolitical boundaries of Catholic Christianity by eliminating Ottoman domination. Thus, in 1580, Pope Gregory XIII commissioned Bishop Boniface of Raguza and some Jesuit missionaries to make apostolic visits to territories such as Dalmatia, Bosnia and Hungary, to check on the living conditions of Catholics and Orthodox who were subjects of the Sultan and their multiple relations with the Ottoman world. In particular, Merlani referred to documents found in the Vatican Apostolic Archives, including an Instructio sent by Pope Gregory XIII to Boniface of Raguza, summarising the purpose of the apostolic visit: to verify the application of the Tridentine dictates.
    The second part of the lecture was given by Katalin Nagy. In her speech, she presented the most important details of the biography of the Bishop of Stagno, explaining why De Stefani was entrusted with this extremely important task by the Pope. Then, through an analysis of original documents from the Apostolic Archives and the archives of the Jesuits in Rome, she described the main stages of the apostolic visit.
    The Hungarian and Italian researcher's workshop presentation highlighted the fact that, although the apostolic visit of Boniface of Raguza is a well-known topic for older and more recent Hungarian research, it is still a figure who is in many respects unknown to international scholarship, as is confirmed by the newly discovered archival documents used on the subject.

    The Fraknói Research Group's latest initiative, a workshop lecture in Italian, has also attracted international attention: the online lecture was followed from Hungary, Italy, mainly Rome and Viterbo, and now also from France and China.

    The ppt of these presentations are available here.



  • 2023. January 23.

    On 23 January 2023, at 17:00, the newest initiative of the Pontificia Università Gregoriana and the Archivum Historiae Pontificiae began: a series of permanent seminars on the history of the papacy, entitled Seminario permanente di Storia del Papato. The series opened with a lecture by Prof. Samu Niskanen, Associate Professor in the Department of Medieval History at the University of Helsinki, entitled L'Historia Apostolica di Aratore: la sua edizione e papa Vigilio. On this occasion, the Fraknói Research Group was represented by its Vatican Archives Research Resident, Katalin Nagy.

    The lecture was opened by Roberto Regoli, Head of the Department of Church History and Associate Professor at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, and Andrea Verardi, also Associate Professor at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, who introduced the seminar series with encouraging words.

    Prof. Samu Niskanen summarized his research on the edition of the Historia Apostolica by Aratore. The aim of his research is to study the circumstances in which medieval works were published. He explained that papal involvement in the publication of new works in the Middle Ages was a constant phenomenon from the fourth century onwards. In his case study, he focused on showing how the late antique writer Aratore's relationship with Pope Virgil drove his literary activity forward. He concluded his presentation with a monograph on Publication and the Papacy in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.


  • 2023. February 28.

    On 28 February 2023 at 17h, the fourth edition of the Fraknói workshop was held. This time, Róbert Oláh P., Research Associate of the Research Group, presented a chapter of his PhD thesis.  The title of the lecture was "The road to the choir stalls, the education of the early modern canons of the Cathedral Chapter of Győr and their appointment to the canonry". 

    The online session was opened by Péter Tusor, Head of the Research Group. In his introduction, he explained that the aim of the lecture series is to present and discuss research on church history that has not yet been published. 

    Róbert Oláh P. divided his lecture into two major parts, in the course of which he first examined the university attendance habits of the canons of the Győr chapter of the 17th and 18th centuries and the characteristics of the education of the chapter using the methodology of prosopography. In doing so, he compared the medieval conditions of the same Győr corps, thus providing a comprehensive picture of long-term trends in university attendance and schooling. In the second part of his lecture, he illustrated a typical way of entering the cathedral chapter, the institution of commendation, with cases from the 18th century.

    The 4th Fraknói Workshop was followed by the regular meeting of the Research Group.


  • 2023. March 6.

    On February 24, 2023, the event "L'Assistente della Fuci e il Sostituto della Segreteria di Stato, Nuove fonti storiche per lo studio di Giovanni Battista Montini", was held at La Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta University (LUMSA), organized by the Vatican Apostolic Archives (Archivio Apostolico Vaticano) and the Istituto Paolo VI di Brescia. The Fraknói Research Group was represented at the event by its Vatican Archives Research Resident, Katalin Nagy.

    The prestigious event was opened by Mons. Angelo Vincenzo Zani, Church Archivist and Librarian.  He summarised the past activities of Mons. Giovanni Battista Montini and the new resources published on him: the so-called "Carteggio montiniano" volumes published by the Istituto Paolo VI di Brescia (Carteggio / 2 1924-1933 Tomo 3 1928-1929 / Giovanni Battista Montini, Paolo VI; a cura di Xenio Toscani, Cesare Repossi, Maria Pia Sacchi con la collaborazione di Caterina Vianelli [und weitere]).

    Mons. Sergio Pagano, Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives, took the floor and presented the work carried out over several years in the Vatican Apostolic Archives. He highlighted the main themes of Montini's notes.
    Other speakers at the event were Pietro Doria and Prof. Jean-Domunuque Durand, Associate Professor at the Université de Lyon.

    In closing, Prof. Francesco Bonini, Rector of LUMSA University, also expressed his thanks to the Istituto Paolo VI di Brescia and to the management and staff of the Vatican Apostolic Archives for their cooperation with LUMSA Univers

  • 2023. March 20.

    On March 1, 2023, at 16:00, Diego Pinna's newly published book "Il gran consiglio della Chiesa Leone XIII e la Congregazione degli Affari ecclesiastici straordinari (1878-1887)" was presented at the LUMSA University of Rome.

    The three main referees were Andrea Ciampani, Associate Professor at LUMSA, Adreas Gottsman, Director of the Istituto Storico Austriaco in Rome, and Roberto Regoli, Professor at Pontificia Università Gregoriana. The Fraknói Research Group was represented at the event by its Vatican Archives Research Resident, Katalin Nagy.

  • 2023. March 28.

    Tamás Fedeles, professor at the University of Pécs, scientific advisor and co-leader of the Fraknói Research Group, received his DSc (Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences) degree today. (Information about the graduation last March here.)


  • 2023. March 25.

    On March 24, 2023, Vatican Radio broadcast an interview with Péter Tusor, in which they discussed the volume 'Lósy, Lippay, Szelepchény. Three microbiographies from the early modern period (with Vatican investigation reports, 1625-1666)' (The volume can be downloaded here.)

    You can listen to the interview from 8:40 here.


  • 2023. April 4.

    Despite its limited resources, the Fraknói Research Group is actively involved in the academic life of Rome. In addition to the Vatican Archives, its active and creative contacts extend to several foreign institutes and universities in Rome. The result of almost two decades of collaboration is the newly published monograph in Italian by Giulio Merlani. The latest volume I/22 of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae is entitled: 'Papato e politica internazionale nel Seicento. Il nunzio Francesco Buonvisi alla corte di Leopoldo I d'Asburgo imperatore e re d'Ungheria' (Budapest–Rome 2023). The volume (downloadable here) focuses on the foreign policy activities of the Lucca-born papal diplomat Francesco Buonvisi until 1678, with particular reference to his early years at the imperial and royal court of the Holy Roman Emperor I. Leopold. 

    At the same time, through the prism of the nunciatures, it describes the aims and effects of the complex process of redefining the papacy in the second half of the seventeenth century, through the guidelines of the Secretariat of State. The Roman efforts that led to the liberation of almost all of Hungary from a century and a half of Ottoman rule in the 1680s and 1690s.
    Giulio Merlani, author of the doctoral dissertation on which this monograph is based, which follows a fresh approach and excellent methodology, was defended in February 2020 at Sapienza Università di Roma. (Two previous dissertations, written at Università Pontificia Gregoriana, were published in either the Vatican–Hungarian History series: CVH II/2 and CVH I/6.


  • 2023. April 12.

    In preparation for the visit of the successor of St. Peter to Hungary from 28-30 April 2023, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE), with the active participation of the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group, organised a round table discussion in the lobby of the PPKE ITK (Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics), one of the venues of the Pope's visit. The host, Dean György Cserey, was joined by Rev. Loránd Ujházi from the Research Centre of St. John Paul II Pope, and Péter Tusor, Tamás Fedeles, Viktor Kanász and Balázs Rétfalvi from the Fraknói Research Group. The discussion was moderated by Nándor Birher, Dean of the PPKE BTK (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences). The event promoted knowledge sharing between the faculties of the PPKE.

    The photos below were taken by György Sági.


  • 2023. March 29.

    On 28 March 2023, at the Central Seminary were organized the presentation of the volume I/19 (Lósy, Lippay, Szelepchény. Three microbiographies from the early modern period with the publication of the Vatican investigation reports, 1625–1666), Budapest–Róma 2022 of the VaticanHungarian history series (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae). The author, Péter Tusor, presented the research, its methods and the main results to the students of the Catholic University and other attendees.
    In his preface, he emphasized that the canonical investigation records of the 17th century are an important source base for the scientific work of the Fraknói Research Group. Continuing the work begun with the publication of the processus informativus of Péter Pázmány (1616-1637) (CVH II/6), the present volume contains and analyses the sources from the appointment of three of Pázmány's successors: Imre Lósy (1637-1642), György Lippay (1642-1666) and György Szelepchény (1666-1685).
    One of the important theses of the research is that although Lósy, Lippay and Szelepchény do not yet have the princely crown in their coat of arms, which symbolises their secular rank and feudal autonomy, it is already present in their aspirations, demands, and actual ecclesiastical and political practice. In fact, their real power and actual influence on national politics, based on Pázmány's aspirations, was far greater than that of their successors in the following three centuries.

    You can download the volume here.


  • 2023. May 11.

    Gábor Nemes, Senior Research Fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave an interview to the Győr+ newspaper, in which he talked to Andrea J. Kovács about his researches in the Vatican, and in particular about the Repertorium Pontificiorum Documentorum in Regnis Sacrae Coronae Hungariae existentium (1417-1526), published under the auspices of the Research Group (download  here). The interview is available here.

    In addition, Vasárnap.hu also published a longer interview about the results of his research on the recently published volume. Here you can reach the interview.


  • 2023. May 2.

    The Fraknói Research Group has widely applied, promoted and updated the results of its Vatican research in the context of the Pope's visit. On 11 April, it participated in the preparation and implementation of a roundtable discussion organised by Pázmány Péter Catholic University; it contributed to the editing of the Rubicon issue on the history of the papacy (90% of the articles were written by members of the Research Group); it was interviewed by the Research Group in a podcast of the PPKE BTK, and Gábor Nemes and Péter Tusor gave a lecture in the framework of the Latinitas Hungarica series.

    Péter Tusor and Balázs Rétfalvi acted as commentators on some public media channels during the days of the Pope's visit. On Pope Francis' arrival (here at 16:45 and  here at 16:18) and on his return, Péter Tusor spoke on M1 and on Híradó (21:25), and Balázs Rétfalvi on Kossuth Rádió's Reggeli Krónika (7:32). Péter Tusor also appeared on the TV show "Az Ezeréves szövetség. Magyarország és Szentszék" ("Thousand-year-old alliance: Hungary and the Holy See") from 2:00 to 8:35.




  • 2023. May 3.

    On May 2, 2023, at the Seminarium Centrale in Budapest, the Fraknói Research Group held the presentation of the Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum I/5 volume entitled A magyar katolicizmus és Trianon (Hungarian Catholicism and the Treaty of Trianon). The study volume was edited by research assistant György Sági and series editor by research group leader Péter Tusor.

    At the beginning of the event, Péter Tusor greeted those present, and then spoke briefly about the Trianon és az Egyház (Trianon and the Church) conference organized and financed by the Research Group in 2021, which can be considered the precursor to this work.
    The volume was presented by Balázs Rétfalvi, the director of the Diocesan Archive in Szombathely, Balázs Ablonczy, the head of the "Lendület Trianon100" Research Group, and Miklós Jávor, an external collaborator of the Fraknói Research Group.

    The study volume is available Open Access and can be downloaded here.




  • 2023. May 19.

    Central and South-Eastern Europe between the Christian and Ottoman worlds: conflicts, encounters and compromises (XVI-XVIII centuries) is the title of the 2022 issue of the Eastern European History Review. The issue was co-edited by the Fraknói Research Group thanks to Katalin Nagy. 
    In addition, several members of the Research Group have contributed to the journal. Tamás Kruppa (The written and oral disputies of István Szántó (Aratott)), Gábor Nemes (Instead of Anti-Ottoman Help an Anti-Imperial League: Papal Nuncio Giovanni Francesco Capi’s Mission of 1526), Tamás Fedeles (From the army of King Matthias to the service of God.: A case study on the role of the apostolic penitentiary in the promotions of clerics in the time of King Matthias Corvinus) and Viktor Kanász (Nuncio Girolamo Martinengo’s reports on the military events of 1552).

    This publication is another important step and proof of the international cooperation and functional presence of the Fraknói Research Group in Italian and Vatican scholarship.

    The full issue and the individual studies can be downloaded here.


  • 2023. May 28.

    As in previous years (see 2018 Budapest, 2019 Rome, 2021 Rome), the Fraknói Research Group continues its active cooperation with the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani and the Centre for Papal History and Central European Studies at the University of Viterbo. The latter has a working relationship of a decade and a half with the Research Group. In the framework of this collaboration, the international symposium "Foreign colleges in Rome in the modern era" (I Collegi per stranieri a Roma nell'età moderna) was held in Rome on 14 December 2022 at the Aventine. Edited by Alessandro Boccolini, Matteo Sanfilippo and Péter Tusor, published by Edizioni Sette Città of Viterbo (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche 10). In addition to the editorial foreword, the volume of nine studies, mainly in Italian, some in English, and an index of names, deals with the question of foreign colleges in Rome. This work is the eighth publication of the Fraknói Research Group, published in international cooperation with a prestigious foreign publisher.

    Details of the volume: I collegi per stranieri a/e Roma nell’ età moderna. I: Cinque-Settecento,  a cura di Alessandro Boccolni–Matteo Sanfilippo–Péter Tusor (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche 10) Viterbo: Sette Citta 2023.


    Click here for description and download.


  • 2023. May 31.

    Viktor Kanász, research fellow of the Research Group, gave an interview in Mária Rádió. On the morning of 30 May, in the programme "Day Starter", in response to questions from Éva Perczel, he described how the Research Group is carrying forward the intellectual heritage of Vilmos Fraknói through systematic Vatican research and the discovery and publication of sources.  He stressed that the results will be made available to researchers in Hungary and abroad, and that the Research Group will pay special attention to making its volumes available online in their entirety, free of charge. (check here)

    Mentioned interview is available here.


  • 2023. May 18.

    Péter Tusor gave a lecture entitled "The Founding of the University of Nagyszombat in 1635 and its Papal "Accreditation" at the "Pázmány 30" University History Commemorative Meeting on 10 May 2023 in the St. John Paul II Hall of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. More details and photos on the Magyar Kurír website here. The lecture can be listened to here (from 1:10:33). The ppt of the lecture is available here and the programme of the commemorative meeting is available here.

    On 18 May 2023, a conference entitled "Győr is the bastion of Western Christianity" was held in the Main Hall of the Apátúr House in Győr, where Péter Tusor also gave a lecture. The title of his lecture was "Turkish war psychosis at the Imperial Court in Vienna - Antonio Pignatelli's reports to Rome (June 1668 - May 1670)". Lecture's ppt is available here. Programme of the conference to mark the 425th anniversary of the reconquest of Győr Castle: here. In addition, Gábor Nemes, Senior Research Fellow, served as the moderator one of the two sessions. The conference was attended by Dávid Fejér and Norbert Rózsa from Péter Tusor's university seminar.


  • 2023. May 19.

    During the month of May, György Sági attended three conferences in three different locations in Hungary. The first of these was the XXVI Tavaszi Szél (Spring Wind) Conference in Miskolc, where he gave a presentation entitled "Report of József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa and Bács, to the Apostolic Holy See on the relationship between the Hungarian state and the Church in 1949". 
    On 9 May 2023, György Sági was an invited speaker at a conference organised by the National Széchényi Library and the Szent István Society on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Szent István Society, held at the National Széchény Library in Budapest. György Sági gave a lecture entitled Miklós Esty and the Szent István Society.  The topic has previously been also published in a book: CST II/2.
    Finally, at the XIX National Conference of Publication Editors held in Tatabánya from 19 to 21 May, Sági gave a lecture on the importance of Historia Domus in historical research.



  • 2023. May 25.

    On 24 May 2023, the Institute of History of the University of Miskolc organised a conference entitled Political, Social and Cultural Alliances in the Early Modern Period, in which Tamás Kruppa participated as a speaker.  In his lecture entitled "Additions to the history of the Hungarian-Venetian-Papal alliance of 1501 - The anatomy of an anti-Ottoman league", he shared his latest research results from the processing of a previously unexplored correspondence of Venetian origin.

  • 2023. June 8.

    The Fraknói Research Group is the intellectual heir and successor to the work of the eponymous Vilmos Fraknói. Its historical series, the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae, published since 2004, is a continuation of Fraknói's Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae.  The essence of the research group's work is that while the place of research and presentation of results is predominantly Rome, the processing work is carried out in domestic research centres, above all at the PPKE (Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest). Research in the Vatican is usually carried out individually or in small units. For the first time in the history of its existence, the Fraknói Research Group has organised a joint research trip to Rome, from 29 May to 4 June 2023. The archival expedition included Kornél Szovák, Director of the Moravcsik Institute, who is a leading member of the team as Secretary of the CVH Editorial Board. The infrastructure was provided by the renovated St. Stephen's House. On Wednesday morning, 31 May, members of the Research Team paid a courtesy visit to the Bishop-Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives. Mons. Sergio Pagano has been a supporter of the work of the Fraknói Research Group since the CVH's inception, presenting and praising its achievements in Budapest in 2015 and in Rome in 2022.


  • 2023. June 9.

    The 94th Festive Book Week was the occasion for the presentation of Irén Bilkei's book "Hermelines subák, vízjeles papírok és a szelídített szarvas" - Everyday life in the Western Transdanubian region in the 15th-16th centuries on 8 June 2023 in the Hall of Fame of the Sárvár Castle. The book was published jointly by the Nádasdy Cultural Centre and Szülőföld Publishing House.
    The guests were welcomed by the head of the Nádasdy Cultural Centre, Zoltán Bálint Takács and Deputy Mayor Tivadar Máhr. The book was presented by Viktor Kanász, a researcher of the Fraknói Research Group, who is also involved in the late medieval and early modern history of the region.


  • 2023. June 9.

    On May 25 and 26, 2023, the Pontificia Università Gregoriana and the Archivum Historiae Pontificiae organised the conference I modi di governo del papa. Il tempo della sede vacante.
    At this occasion, the Fraknói Research Group was again represented by its Vatican Archives Research Resident, Katalin Nagy. 
    The symposium was opened by Délio Mendonça SJ, Dean, François Jankowiak, Director of the Centre de recherches Droit et Sociétés Religieuses, and Roberto Regoli, Professor at Pontificia Universitá Gregoriana. The two-day series of conferences focused on the Sedes vacans periods in papal history when the papacy was vacant.
    On the first day of the international conference, which brought together historians from all over Europe, Simone Raponi, Edouard Martin, François Jankowiak, Alessandra Rodolfo and others gave presentations.
    The following day's presentations analysed the conclave from the perspective of the Church and the State, rather than from a symbolic, rhetorical approach. So did Massimo C. Giannini, Stefano Brancatelli, Roberto Regoli and Domenico Rocciolo. Finally, Maria Antonietta Visceglia, a renowned professor at La Sapienza Università di Roma, analysed the significance of the successive vacans of the See in the history of the papacy. The proceedings of the conference will be published in book form.

  • 2023. July 1.

    Péter Tusor, Kornél Szovák and Viktor Kanász were interviewed by Vatican Radio on the occasion of the Fraknói Research Group's research expedition to Rome. In this context, they talked with Fr. László Vértesaljai mainly about currents Vatican research, as well as about the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae (CVH) volume I/21, Hungary and the Holy See III, dedicated to Kornél Szovák.



  • 2023. August 7.

    From 3 to 5 August 2023, the city of Kalocsa hosted the IX Fraknói Summer Academy. Sixteen lectures were presented in five sessions of the three-day conference on Church History. New research results were presented in three venues this year. It was organised by the ELKH-PPKE-PTE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group, the ELKH Gyula Moravcsik Institute and this time the PPKE BTK. This year the three-day event was organised in cooperation with the ELKH-OSZK Fragmenta et Codices Research Group, the András Kubinyi Historical Workshop of the PPKE BTK and the Károly Viski Museum. As in previous years, this year's conference served as a community-building event, in addition to interpreting current research results.

    On 3 August, the participants of the Academy attended an Archbishop's Mass celebrated by Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, Balázs Bábel. In his homily, the archpastor encouraged the participants of the Fraknói Summer Academy to work towards the full truth in the spirit of historical authenticity. Afterwards, researchers and students interested in church history gathered at the Károly Viski Museum, where they were welcomed by Nándor Birher, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Péter Tusor, founding curator of the Academy. In his speech, the Dean praised the work of the Vilmos Fraknói Roman History Research Group. In his speech, Péter Tusor spoke about the mission of Sumer the Academy, Pázmány Péter catholic University's community-building task, and its increasingly academic character, as the papers of last year's Piliscsaba conference have already been published in a separate volume (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae I/21).
    The first session was followed by presentations on medieval and early modern topics by Gábor Nemes, Tamás Fedeles and András Forgó. The second session was entirely devoted to early modern themes. Among the speakers were Mons. Tamás Tóth, Adél Lakatos and Imre Romsics. The sessions ended with a museum and city walk led by Imre Romsics.
    On the second day, 4 August, 19th and 20th century church history topics were on the table. Presentations were given by Béla Vilmos Mihalik, Norbert Csibi, György Sági and Andor Lakatos. On this day, a panel discussion took place with Archbishop Balázs Bábel, who spoke to the Academy about the church politics of the communist era.
    On 5 August, lectures were given by members of the Fragmenta et Codices Research Group, during which the Summer Academy was able to learn about the work of this research community.
    In addition to the professional and cultural programmes, this year's event also provided an opportunity for academic and professional discussions between teachers, current and former students of the Catholic University and participants from other universities, thus strengthening the present and future of research in the field of Church history in Hungary. The three-day event was rounded off with a closing curatorial speech by Kornél Szovák. The Director of the Moravcsik Institute said that the Fraknói Summer Academy has proved in recent years that its establishment was not just a one-off initiative, but a timeless tradition.

    The records of the academy will be published next year with the support of the PPKE BTK.




    További képek

    Kalocsa Bónusz

  • 2023. September 5.

    The appointment documents of the university professors promoted with effect from 1 September 2023 were handed over by the Head of State on 5 September in the morning at the Sándor Palace in Buda Castle. Of the 123 new professors, seven came from Pázmány - four from the Faculty of Humanities - to the presidential residence, among them the founding head of the Fraknói Research Group, Péter Tusor.


  • 2023. September 27.

    The Institute of History of the Czech Academy, in cooperation with several institutions, organised a scientific conference in Prague on 26-27 September 2023, entitled Die Diplomaten am Hofe von Kaiser Rudolf II. in Prag: diplomatischer Raum/diplomatische Räume und Topografie(n) einer mitteleuropäischen Metropole in der Frühen Neuzeit, which took place at the Academy's conference centre. The event featured presentations in German and English by Czech, German, Italian and Spanish scholars. Tamás Kruppa, Senior Research Fellow os Fraknói research Group, presented a paper entitled Die Ungarn/Die Magyaren und die Prager Nuntiatur.


  • 2023. September 13.

    On 12 September, 2023, Péter Tusor gave the 5th Fraknói Workshop Lecture entitled "An Alternative Interpretation of the Árpás Altarpiece" at the Diocesan Collection Centre in Győr. On this occasion he presented for the first time in detail his research on this unique and enigmatic work of 17th century Hungarian history and art history. The reason of the lecture was the opening of the exhibition "Salve Regina. Virgin Mary in the Work of Redemption". Among the works of art on display is an altarpiece preserved in Mórichida and Árpás from the mid-18th century until 2000, which is rarely exhibited. The exhibition was opened by András Veres, Bishop of Győr and Grand Chancellor of the University of Péter Pázmány Catholic University. The exhibition was organised by Gábor Nemes, Head of the Győr Diocesan Collection Centre and Senior Research Fellow of the Fraknói Research Group. His opening speech can be read here.


    Invitation, greetings board, placard

  • 2023. September 20.

    On September 19, 2023, Péter Tusor gave a lecture in the framework of the 'Personal History' series entitled 'A famous painting from the era of Wesselényi's conspiracy (Historical analysis)' at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs. In the extended university course he partly summarised and partly continued, supplemented and nuanced the lecture given a week earlier in Győr. Both lectures were preliminary reports on the results of a historical monograph on the subject. Publication as CVH Volume II/12 is expected in July 2024.


  • 2023. October 17.

    Despite its limited resources, the Fraknói Research Group is actively involved in Roman studies. In addition to the Vatican Archives, its active and creative contacts extend to several foreign institutions and universities in Rome. One of the results of nearly two decades of Roman presence is Giulio Merlani's monograph in Italian, published in the spring of 2023 in Budapest. The Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae I/22, published jointly by the Fraknói Research Group and the Gyula Moravcsik Institute, is entitled 'Papato e politica internazionale nel Seicento. Il nunzio Francesco Buonvisi alla cortedi Leopoldo I d'Asburgo imperatore e re d'Ungheria" (Budapest-Roma2023), in English: "Papacy and International Politics in the 17th Century in the Court of Francesco Buonvisi Nuncio to Emperor Leo I and King of Hungary". The author of the doctoral dissertation, Giulio Merlani, which is the basis of this monograph (download here), which follows a fresh approach and excellent methodology, will defend his thesis in February 2020 before the professors of Sapienza Università di Roma.

    The Roman university origin of the research explains why the volume was presented at La Sapienza on the morning of 17 October 2023. The event, attended by a large number of La Sapienza teachers, doctoral students and students, was organised by Prof. Michaela Valente of the University and moderated by Prof. Elena Valeri. The event, which lasted for more than an hour and a half in the lobby of Palazzo di Lettere II, was opened by the head of the Doctorate in History, Professor Alessandro Saggioro. Gaetano Platania, President of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, was the main speaker of the presentation, presenting the main findings of the volume.He began by underlining that it focuses on the foreign policy activities of the Lucca-born papal diplomat Francesco Buonvisi until 1678, with a special focus on his early years at the imperial and royal court. Through the prism of the nunciatures, the guidelines of the Secretariat of State and the curial methods of operation, it describes the aims and effects of the complex process of redefining and redefining the papacy in the second half of the 17th century. It describes the Roman efforts that led to the liberation of almost all of Hungary from a century and a half of Ottoman rule in the 1680s and 1690s. Professor Platania's lecture, which included many other interesting aspects and details, and the author Giulio Merlani's speech, were followed by a lively discussion with the audience at the end of the event.


    The ceremony was also addressed by Peter Tusor, series editor of the celebrated volume. His speech is available in Italian here and in Hungarian here. The full audio recording of the event can be found here. A more detailed description of the book can be found here. The event was a special occasion for both Hungarian historical research in the Vatican and Italian-Hungarian scientific cooperation.


  • 2023. October 18.

    As part of the Latinitas Hungarica series, following the April presentations by Péter Tusor and Gábor Nemes, Viktor Kanász introduced the nature of the papal sources related to Girolamo Martinengo's nunciature (1550-1554). In his presentation titled "Vatican Sources on Martinengo's Nunciature," during his one-hour lecture, he elaborated in detail on the nature of the sources produced by the nunciature as a document-forming institution. These sources included reports sent to Rome, Martinengo's correspondence, documents from the nunciature's court, and the extensive records related to the Holy See's investigation into the murder of György Fráter. He presented where these unique Hungarian-related sources from the 16th century are preserved in various collections and discussed the 16th-18th-century copies made of these documents.

    Lastly, he outlined the history and publication principles of the Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland source edition series, particularly relevant from the Hungarian perspective, as well as their usability in Hungary, the problems that arose during the publication, and the tasks that Hungarian researchers face in this regard.



  • 2023. October 27.

    On October 24, Róbert Oláh P., scientific assistant of the Fraknói Research Group, delivered a lecture titled "School-Network-Career: Education and Career Path in 18th-century Hungary" at János Selye University upon the invitation of the student History Workshop. During the lecture, he presented the state of Catholic education in 17th and 18th-century Hungary and the educational backgrounds and career paths of the canons of Győr during that period.

    The following day, on October 25, in Győr, at the XXV. Győr and XI. Kisalföld Archive Day, he discussed the research related to Bishop Ferenc Zichy's Roman agents and their correspondence. He presented "Győr's Ecclesiastical Representation in Rome: Ferenc Zichy and Poloni's" to a large and interested audience.


  • 2023. November 19.

    The members of the Fraknói Research Group presented their Vatican-related research on Transylvania in a separate section at the event titled "Hungarian Science Day in Transylvania 2023," upon the invitation of the Transylvanian Museum Association on November 18. In the headquarters of the Transylvanian Museum Association, four members of the Research Group held their presentations under the chairmanship of Zsolt Bogdándi.

    In his presentation titled "Vatican Hungarian Historical Research and Transylvania," Péter Tusor reviewed the Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae, the Fraknói Institute, and the subsequent period of institutional interregnum. He highlighted the Transylvanian aspects of significant publications and emphasized that the systematic collection of Vatican materials was originally conceived by Ignác Batthyány, the Transylvanian bishop. In the concluding part of his presentation, he illustrated the development of the CVH and the Fraknói Research Group, emphasized works related to Transylvanian history, and outlined research perspectives concerning Transylvania at the Vatican.

    Tamás Fedeles provided a synthesis of entries concerning the consecration of Transylvanian clerics in the series of Libri formatarum located in the Vatican Secret Archive's Camera Apostolica collection in his presentation titled "Consecration of Transylvanian Clerics in the Roman Curia (1426–1523)." By expanding this source material with other sources and embedding it into an international context, he portrayed a nuanced picture of the late medieval Roman consecrations of Transylvanian clerics. He drew attention to the fact that despite the distance from Rome, nearly as many individuals from Transylvania traveled to the Eternal City as from the geographically closer diocese of Zagreb.

    Viktor Kanász presented the mid-16th-century connections between Transylvania and the Holy See's diplomacy through the activities of nuncios. He highlighted that contrary to popular belief, Rome paid serious attention to the Kingdom of Hungary. Nuncios assigned to King Ferdinand I dealt not only with religious affairs but also focused on events related to anti-Ottoman wars. In the early 1550s, significant attention was given to the fate of the eastern region, the later Principality of Transylvania, Fráter György's attempt at national unification, and the assassination of the Bishop of Várad. The latter part of his presentation delved into the creation of Cardinal Fráter György, outlining Ferdinand I's efforts in this direction. Although Fráter couldn’t perform any activities as a cardinal due to his death, he can still be regarded as the last Hungarian cardinal of the Crown until the 18th century.

    Titled "A Brief Yet Decisive Period in the History of the Principality of Transylvania," Tamás Kruppa's presentation introduced new perspectives by emphasizing the significant role of personalities in shaping events, especially the activities of VIII. Kelemen in the holy war against the Ottomans. Kruppa highlighted, based on new research findings, the previously unknown fact that the papal troops dispatched to the Hungarian theater of war in 1595 were originally intended to be stationed entirely in Transylvania. Another key point was that the failures of the fifteen-year war significantly contributed to the formation of the later political doctrine of the Principality of Transylvania. This doctrine primarily aimed to maintain the alliance with the Ottoman Empire, leading Transylvania to abstain from participating in the end-of-century liberation wars, resulting in its exclusion from Ottoman influence.

    The written versions of the presentations will be published in the 12th volume of the Certamen series.


  • 2023. November 8.

    Tusor Péter gave a presentation titled "A Preface to the Pragmatica Sanctio in the Age of the Wesselényi Movement" on November 8, 2023, in Eger at the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University. The international conference was held in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Pragmatica Sanctio.




  • 2023. November 12.

    22th Győr Book Salon featured the unveiling of Issue 61 of Arrabona on November 10 at the Kisfaludy Károly Library (Győr). Gábor Nemes, alongside Emese Pápai and Zoltán Székely, who were involved in editorial tasks, presented the volume of the Rómer Flóris Museum's Regional Scientific Yearbook. During this presentation, they highlighted the study group titled "North Transdanubia in the Ottoman Era," the precursor of which was the conference titled "Győr as the Bastion of Western Christianity" held on May 18 (see here). The collection of studies includes Péter Tusor's work titled "Another Turkish War after Vasvár? Reports of Nuncio Antonio Pignatalli (1668–1670)" (download here) and Viktor Kanász's piece "Móric Szász's 1552 Campaign in Hungary and Camp in Győr" (download here).


  • 2023. November 28.

    Balázs Rétfalvi took part as a presenter at the centenary conference "The 100 Years of the Premonstratensians in Gödöllő." The event was hosted at the Gödöllő Royal Palace from November 28th to 29th. As an external scientific collaborator of the Fraknói Research Group and the director of the Szombathely Diocesan Archives, he delivered a presentation titled "The Hungarian Visits of Premonstratensian General Hubert Noots (1940–1942)" on the first day of the two-day event.


  • 2023. November 7.

    Viktor Kanász delivered a lecture titled "Ambassadors, Soldiers, and Captains from Kanizsa in the Balaton Museum in Keszthely. Military and Diplomatic Sources on the History of Kanizsa from Vatican and Northern Italian Archives, as well as at the Thúry György Museum," as part of the Zala County Museological Days on November 7, 2023.

    In his presentation, he primarily reviewed the early modern Italian sources related to the history of Kanizsa. Accounts of bloody battles fought for the possession of Kanizsa in the 16th and 17th centuries were among the leading news across Europe. Due to the foreign archival materials and Hungarian source conditions, the significance of foreign archives' Hungarian materials is substantial. Besides Hungarian archives, numerous European institutions preserve unpublished and unknown sources related to the history of Kanizsa. Viktor Kanász highlighted in his lecture how archives and libraries in Italy can enrich our knowledge with crucial new information, primarily concerning the years 1580-90, the sieges of 1600, 1601, and 1664, as well as the successful recapture of the castle in 1690. He presented newly discovered sources from the Vatican Apostolic Archive, the State Archives of Parma, Modena, and Mantua, including reports from Viennese and Grazian papal nuncios, contemporary news arriving in Mantua, and letters written from the Christian camp during the siege of Kanizsa in 1601. Additionally, he emphasized the exceptional insight provided by the Haym protocol volumes preserved in the Thúry György Museum in Nagykanizsa into that era.


  • 2023. October 21.

    Péter Tusor gave an interview on Vatican Radio regarding the presentation in Rome of Volume I/22 of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae, jointly published by the Fraknói Research Group and the Moravcsik Gyula Institute. The specific volume, titled "Papato e politica internazionale nel Seicento. Il nunzio Francesco Buonvisi alla corte di Leopoldo I d’Asburgo imperatore e re d’Ungheria" by Giulio Merlani was presented in Budapest and Rome (see here) in 2023.



  • 2023. October 2.

    On September 30, 2023, on the occasion of the feast of the Guardian Angels at the parish of Szepetnek, two members of the Research Group, Balázs Rétfalvi and Viktor Kanász, gave lectures.

    After the greetings from Rev. Róbert Gottfried Heiter and Boldizsár Batthyány, Balázs Rétfalvi presented the European, Hungarian, and Szepetnek-specific events of the year 1772. He highlighted the significance of the information found in the Archives of the Diocese of Szombathely related to Szepetnek. Following him, Viktor Kanász showcased the life, ecclesiastical career, political, and charitable activities of Cardinal József Batthyány's family, the donors of the main altar. Magdolna Nyáriné Alexa then discussed the history of the altarpiece.

    Following the concert by the Sárvár String Ensemble, a vespers service was conducted by Bishop János Székely of Szombathely. 

  • 2023. December 1.

    On November 24, 2023, the conference and book presentation titled "Veszprém Review - 30 Years of the City Historical Journal" took place at the Laczkó Dezső Museum in Veszprém. Under the presidency of founding chief editor József Tölgyesi, several historical and archaeological lectures were delivered. Viktor Kanász, a research associate of the Research Group, presented a presentation before Professor László Solymosi's lecture, discussing the diplomatic relations between Veszprém and the Holy See in the 1550s. He touched upon the appointment and papal confirmation of bishops in Veszprém during that period, highlighted how news of the 1552 Turkish siege of Veszprém reached Rome, and outlined the significance of Bishop Pál Bornemissza's 1553 testimony before the nuncio Girolamo Martinengo. Additionally, he emphasized that the contemporary history of Veszprém and its diocese holds many previously unknown or scarcely known sources in the Italian papal archives, illustrating this with specific examples. His presentation in written form will be available in the upcoming issue of the journal.

    On November 29, within the framework organized by the Sic Itur ad Astra Workshop, a conference titled "Education and Society" was held at the Szekfű Gyula Library of the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University. During this event, Viktor Kanász delivered a lecture titled "Expectations and Reality: Schoolmasters in the Veszprém Diocese in the 1770s." Drawing from the visitation records of 1778-1779, he elucidated the expectations set for schoolmasters concerning education, conduct, and choir leadership within the diocese, as well as the issues encountered during the visitation process. He particularly focused on the education of schoolmasters, outlining how the literacy of this social stratum evolved in the archidiaconatus of Zala, Veszprém, and Somogy.

    (The photos of the conference in Veszprém were taken by Zsolt Zachár.)



  • 2023. December 7.

    After last year's event in Pécs (see details  here), the Mohács500 conference took place in Mohács on December 7, 2023, with the collaboration of the Fraknói Research Group.

    In the first section chaired by Tamás Fedeles, Gábor Nemes and Tamás Kruppa delivered presentations. Gábor Nemes discussed the military expenditures of the Győr Cathedral Chapter based on data extracted from the medieval accounting book of the chapter between 1500 and 1526. He established that despite not being counted among the bandarim-holding landowners according to the 1498 20th regulation, from 1502, the Győr Cathedral Chapter evidently had mercenaries. Among these mercenaries were both mounted (heavy and light cavalry) and foot soldiers, each with their own captain and flag. The financial burden of paying wages and providing arms, clothing, and food strained the canons financially; they had to finance war expenses from their own incomes alongside military taxes.

    Tamás Kruppa analyzed the immediate papal envoy reports preceding the Battle of Mohács. Despite these sources being long-known, they received little attention from historiography. He argued that the contemporary historical narrative of Ottoman-Hungarian diplomatic relations between 1524 and 1526 was incomplete and one-sided. Kruppa's new research results helped nuance this one-sidedness, demonstrating that the Hungarian side, before the Mohács catastrophe, was willing to pay tribute to the Ottoman Court for peace. According to the mentioned Vatican sources, there existed a specific document, although now lost to us, confirming this willingness for payment.

    The afternoon session began with Viktor Kanász, who presented previously unknown 16th and 17th-century German and English works from Savoya, detailing the Battle of Mohács in depth and its consequences. He emphasized how the memory of the battle sparked interest across Europe in subsequent generations, transcending regions and denominations. The events were often interpreted in a stereotypical manner, highlighting the image of the young king, the reckless commander, and the stereotype of decline. This illustrates how the early modern European intelligentsia thought about Mohács and 1526.

    Tamás Fedeles presented the Hungarian ecclesiastical council during the reign of King Louis II, analyzing its composition based on prosopographical methods. His presentation revealed that most of the era's 24 bishops were versed in humanistic culture, with many honing their minds at Italian universities. In terms of origin, common nobles constituted the majority, outnumbering the baronial, bourgeois, and serf families' offspring. Furthermore, most bishops were associated with Tamás Bakóc and György Szatmári, the era's two chief chancellors. Fedeles also outlined the preparatory work for a comprehensive ecclesiastical history handbook, the Late Medieval Bishop Lexicon (1458-1526).

    The conference also featured the presentation of the study collection titled "The Sunken Mohács," which included writings by Gábor Nemes, Tamás Kruppa, and Viktor Kanász.



  • 2023. December 17.

    Title of Péter Tusor's lecture: "«Sotto l’Ombra di San Pietro»” Gli alunni del Collegio Germanico Ungherese provenienti dal Regno d’Ungheria tra gli anni 1750-1782 e 1844-1915” (The Students of the Collegio Germanico Ungherese from the Kingdom of Hungary between the years 1750-1782 and 1844-1915") Péter Tusor delivered a lecture with the aforementioned title at the conference of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani. The conference titled "I Collegi per stranieri a Roma 1750-1915" (International Symposium on Foreign Colleges in Rome 1750-1915) was a continuation of the previous year's scholarly discussion on the early modern history of Roman national colleges.

    The following institutions were involved in organizing the conference: Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (Rome); Centro Studi Emigrazione (Rome); Peter Pazmany Catholic University, Eötvös Loránd Research Network (Budapest); Università della Tuscia (Viterbo), Department of Human Sciences, Communication, and Tourism; University of Chieti, Department of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; Université Laval (Québec), Department of Theology and Religious Sciences.

    The scientific committee responsible for the preparation and organization, led by Matteo Sanfilippo, included the following members: Alessandro Boccolini (Università della Tuscia), Gaetano Platania (Istituto Studi Romani), Giovanni Pizzorusso (University of Chieti), Philippe Roy-Lysencourt (Université Laval), Matteo Sanfilippo (Centro Studi Emigrazione), Péter Tusor (Peter Pazmany Catholic University of Budapest). The call for papers in Italian and a brief presentation of participants representing a broad international spectrum of scholarly work can be viewed here.

    The annotated versions of the presentations given in Italian, French, and Spanish will be published in the first quarter of 2024 by the publishing house Sette Città in Viterbo, under the care of the series Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche similar to the volume from the previous year.

    The Italian newspaper  Reppublica also covered the significant professional event in its program.

    (PowerPoint presentation (ppt) of the lecture.)

