• 2017. July 2.

    Although the 5 years operation of our Lendület project just ended, we continue our work as the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group from 1 July 2017.

    The closing reports about our work and accomplishments can be found in the attached files.

    1. Rating given by the President of the MTA (27 June 2017.)
    2. Report of the research activities during the 5 years of the Lendület research group
    3. Publication list
    4. Lectures and presentations on conferences
    5. Summary of science communication activities

    Great majority of the official reviewers helped our work with their objective ratings and critics. We have to say our special thanks for one of the reviewers, whose closing thoughts mean great motivation to us in the future.



  • 2017. August 11.

    The third Fraknói Summer Academy was organized and it was held in Tihany and Veszprém during 7–11 August 2017. The subject of the scientific lectures was mainly the Archdiocese of Veszprém. Curators of the event were Péter Tusor and Máté Gárdonyi, the director was Viktor Kanász.

    On the first two days of the Academy, participants could hear lectures not just about the history of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, but the newest foundings of several researchers concerning the church history of Hungary. Some of the lectures are listed below:


    Máté Gárdonyi: Synods in the dyocese of Veszprém

    Dániel Bácsatyai: The first hungarian nepos-es

    Norbert C. Tóth: Relatives of Tamás Bakóc, cardinal of Hungary

    András Forgó: The relations between the abbot of Zirc and the bishop of Veszprém. Cooperation and confortation

    István Takáts: The meaning of history and the role of providence in the works of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet


    On the following days, the attendants could explore the abbey of Tihany and the Archives of the Archidiocese of Veszprém.



  • 2017. September 4.

    Research fellow Gábor Nemes and assistant research fellow Viktor Kanász gave lectures on a conference related to the 16th century history of the diocese of Veszprém. The conference was held during 30–31 August 2017 in Veszprém.

    In his lecture (Pietro Isvalies, cardinal and bishop of Veszprém), Gábor Nemes talked about the legate activities of Pietro Isvalies in Hungary between 1500–1503 and his role as the bishop of Veszprém between 1503–1511.

    Viktor Kanász gave insight into the 16th century's society of Kanizsa and the rise and fall of the protestant reformation in the city (Kanizsa and the protestant border castle society in the 16th century).

    Review on Magyar Kurír

  • 2017. September 10.

    Interview with Péter Tusor in Duna TV about science, art and research (’Impetus’ program, research in the Vatican Archives, etc)

    The relevant part of the interview between 05.01–12.37.

  • 2017. September 15.

    Our new book titled Magyarország és a római Szentszék II. Vatikáni magyar kutatások a 21. században (Hungary and the Holy See of Rome II. Hungarian Historical Researches of the 21th Century in the Vatican) was published. It is the first pubication in the frame of the Fraknói Research Group, however, it was prepared during the Lendület (Impetus) program.

    The book contains preliminary studies of our projects for the next five years, just like the previous volume. The studies have already been presented on the symposium Hungarian research in the Vatican in the 21st century (Pécs, 23 August 2016.), which was part of the programme of the VIII. International Hungarology Congress (detailed report: Kronológia).

    Review of the book

  • 2017. September 19.

    Leader of our research group, Péter Tusor contributed in the works of publishing a new book about István Gyöngyösi, poet from the 17th century Hungary. Presentation of the book Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Letters and documents of István Gyöngyösi) was held at the ELTE Eötvös Collegium.

    The book is an addition to the series Régi Magyar Könyvtár, which already had a number of volumes about István Gyöngyösi. This time the published sources were selected from the correspondence of the catholic baroque poet.

    The work also revealed new perspectives and details about the life of the poet, some which had already been found by Péter Tusor, due to the recognition of the mistake made by previous researchers, namely that they confused two separate persons called István Gyöngyösi.

    The presentation included remarks and lectures from the following persons:

    László Horváth, director of the József Eötvös Collegium

    Andrea Soóky, director of the Balassi Press

    Zsombor Tóth literature historian

    Béla Mihalik historian and archivist

    József Jankovics coauthor of the book

    Péter Tusor coauthor of the book

    The full title of the book: Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Régi Magyar Könyvtár. Források 15), közreadja Jankovics József–Nyerges Judit–Tusor Péter, Budapest 2017 (Balassi Kiadó)

  • 2017. September 24.

    Péter Tusor gave an interview about Péter Pázmány in the program „History and literature” in the Hungarian Television (MTV).

    The interview can be accessed here.

  • 2017. September 27.

    On 27 September 2017, senior research fellow Tamás Kruppa habilitated at the University of Pécs with a result of 93% summa cum laude. Opponents were Klára Papp (University of Debrecen), János Kalmár (Eötvös Loránd University, Eszterházy Károly University). Chairman of the committee was Endre Sashalmi (University of Pécs), members were Ildikó Horn (Eötvös Loránd University), Tamás Fedeles (University of Pécs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Péter Tusor (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), secretary was Ferenc Végh (University of Pécs).


  • 2017. September 28.

    Péter Tusor and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi participated at the conference Catholic church society in the 17th century in Pécs. The event was officially opened by György Udvardy bishop of Pécs.

    Péter Tusor gave a lecture titled The prosophography of the hungarian prelates in the Vatican Secret Archives (1612–1711)Chairman of the first section was Máté Gárdonyi, external member of the Fraknói Research Group.


  • 2017. October 11.

    The first workshop seminar of the Fraknói Research Group was organised at the University of Pécs on 11 October 2017.

    The first lecture was given by Péter Tusor, leader of the Research Group, who gave a summary of the Vatican research from Vilmos Fraknói until the present days. He was followed by Tamás Fedeles, who presented his results concerning the collectors of the Apostolic Camera in the 14th century. Gábor Nemes gave a lecture about the relations between the diocese of Győr and the Roman Curia in the medieval period. Bálint Lakatos analyzed precedentials in the Roman Curia and the debates between certain legates. Viktor Kanász lectured on the murder of György Fráter, to which he was able to provide new data as well. Finally, Tamás Kruppa investigated the connection between politics and religion in the early 17th century Transylvania through the works of the jesuit Giovanni Argenti.

    The lectures themselves were parallel with the recently published book Hungary and the Holy See of Rome II. Hungarian Historical Researches of the 21th Century in the Vatican.

    We also gave an interview on the occasion of the event to Magyar Kurír.


  • 2017. October 29.

    Péter Tusor's book Péter Pázmány’s Process of Enquiry. His Family, Catholicisation, Missions was published as the second publication of the Fraknói Research Group.

    One of the most exciting part of the Hungarian Vatican historical research is the discovery of the hidden sources beyond the collections of the Holy See and the national archives of Italy. One fresh example is the Pázmány-record, which contains the reports of the enquiry process after his appointment of archbishop of Esztergom, which can be found in the private collection of the Aldobrandini family near Rome, Frascati (Photos can be accessed here in the Repositorum.)

    The result of the investigation of this new source is our newest book, which clarifies some previously long discussed questions about the carreer of Péter Pázmány, and it also contributes towards identity-specific studies about the founder of our university.

    Full details of the book: 

    Péter Pázmány’s Process of Enquiry. His Family, Catholicisation, Missions. (With the Papers of the Pázmány–Tholdy Archives). Revealed, translated and with accompanying study and documents edited by Péter Tusor. (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae II/6), Budapest–Rome 2017.

  • 2017. November 5.

    Wolfgang Reinhard’s study „Konfession & Konfessionalisierung in Europa” was translated in Hungarian and was published by the Fraknói Research Group.

    The lecture which the study was based on had been organised on 3 May 2017 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A review about the event can be found at Újkor.hu

    Full details of the study:

    Wolfgang Reinhard, Felekezet és felekezetszerveződés Európában. A tudományos diskurzus fejleményei [Konfession und Konfessionalisierung in Europa. Der Stand der Diskussion] (Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum III/1) (transl. in Hungarian by András Forgó; ed. by Péter Tusor), Budapest 2017.

  • 2017. November 11.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group presented the book "Jesuit presence in Győr in the 17-18th century" during a conference in Győr on 10 November 2017. The new volume contains the results of the symposium which was organised with the same name on 14 October 2016.

    Full details of the book:

    Jezsuita jelenlét Győrben a 17–18. században. Tanulmányok a 375 éves Szent Ignác-templom történetéhez [Jesuit presence in Győr in the 17-18th century. Studies about the 375 years old Saint Ignatius Church in Győr] (edited by: István Fazekas–Zsófia Kádár–Zsolt Kökényesi) Győr 2017.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • 2017. November 15.

    Péter Tusor and András Koltai held presentations on the opening event of the new exhibition in the Buda Castle on 15 November 2017. The exhibition "For Faith and Knowledge: The Piarists and the Hungarian Culture" was opened on the 400th year anniversary of the Order's foundation, and the 300th year anniversary of it's settling in the city of Budapest.

    András Koltai also held a lecture about the settling of the Piarists at Pázmány Péter Catholic University on 21 November 2017.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

  • 2017. November 16.

    Accepting the invitation of the Fraknói Research Group, Prof. Silvano Giordano OCD held a lecture about the Council of Trent at Pázmány Péter Catholic University on 16 November 2017. The lecture was in Italian, the interpreter was György Domokos, leader of the Italian Institute of PPKE.

  • 2017. November 17.

    Viktor Kanász, research assistant fellow of the Fraknói Research Group gave a lecture about the murder of György Fráter (Georgius Martinuzzi) and the Habsburg relations in the 1550s at the Piarist School of Nagykanizsa on 17 November 2017. In his lecture he gave detailed analysis on the death of the archbishop of Esztergom and the papal enquiry about the events, concerning the characteristics of the diplomatic relations at the time.

  • 2017. November 23.

    Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview on the Vatican Radio on the occasion of the arrival of our book "Hungary and Holy See of Rome II".

    As before, we try our best in the present and the future to make our newest volumes available at universities, libraries and institutions both in Rome and the Vatican.

  • 2017. November 27.

    On behalf of the Fraknói Research Group, Balázs Rétfalvi and György Sági gave lectures at the conference "Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo", which was organised on 27 November 2017, the 50th year anniversary of the death of József Pétery, bishop of Vác (1942–1967). The chairman of the first section was Péter Tusor.

    György Sági, external member of the Fraknói Research Group compared the images of the bishop found in the contemporary press and memoirs of certain persons, which show a determined, empathic character. Balázs Rétfalvi, research assistant fellow of the already transformed Lendület project described and analysed the speeches which the bishop gave at conferences, and he concluded that the bishop not just played an active role at those, but he also had a unique view which was different from the archbishop's.


  • 2017. December 1.

    Norbert C. Tóth, who was once connected with the Lendület project in it's side project Camera Apostolica, is the first student from Pázmány Péter Catholic University since it's foundation who successfully defended his Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences thesis and thus acquired the title on 1 December 2017. Péter Tusor was also a member of the evaluation committee, and his review on the thesis is available here.

  • 2017. December 8.

    Tamás Fedeles senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group got Master Teacher Prize of the National Council of Scientific Students' Associations for his outstanding role in the talent management on 20 November 2017.

  • 2017. December 9.

    Due to the relations and cooperation between the Fraknói Research Group and the Institute of Church History of the University of Vienna, Krisztina Tóth and Benedikt Rupp worked together on the Bischofslexikon der Habsburgermonarchie 1804–1918. Benedikt Rupp spent two days in Budapest, and with the help of Krisztina Tóth did the finishing works on the project.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3.

  • 2017. December 16.

    On 15 December 2017 Fraknói Research Group organised it's second workshop. Due to the 50th birthday of the leader of the research group, the workshop started with a celebration lunch, where Mons. József Török delivered a short speech. (Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.)

    In the afternoon Péter Tusor presented his new volume (Péter Pázmány's process of Enquiry), and since this lecture could be seen as an integral part of the BA and MA studies, students from Pázmány Péter Catholic University filled the lecture hall.

  • 2017. December 18.

    Péter Tusor gave an interview on the Vatican Radio about the process of enquiry of Péter Pázmány and the location of the Fraknói Research Group in Rome on 16 December 2017.