• 2024. March 29.

    As in previous years (see, for example, 2018 Budapest, 2019 Rome, 2021 Rome), the Fraknói Research Group continues its active cooperation with the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani and the Center for Papal History and Central European Studies at the University of Viterbo. The Research Group has had a working relationship with the latter for a decade and a half. As part of this collaboration, an international symposium entitled "Foreign Colleges in Rome between 1750 and 1915 (I Collegi per stranieri a Roma 1750-1915)" was organized at the end of 2023, which was a continuation of the previous year's scholarly conference examining the early modern history of Roman national colleges. (A report on this can be found here) The volume containing the proceedings of the event has already been published. The editors are Alessandro Boccolini, Philippe Roy-Lysencourt, Matteo Sanfilippo, and Péter Tusor, and the publisher is Edizioni Sette Città in Viterbo.

    In addition to the preface, the volume, which includes ten studies primarily in Italian and partly in English, as well as an index of names, represents the ninth prestigious publication of the Fraknói Research Group in collaboration with an esteemed foreign publisher.

    Book's data: I collegi per stranieri a/e Roma nell’ età moderna. II: 1750-1915,  a cura di Alessandro Boccolini–Philippe Roy-Lysencourt–Matteo Sanfilippo–Péter Tusor (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche 11) Viterbo: Sette Citta 2024.

    Here you can download.

  • 2024. March 16.

    As part of the 2024 Fraknói Centenary Program Series, several members of the Research Group present the latest scientific findings related to the topics investigated by Fraknói and his contemporaries in various lectures. Following Balázs Rétfalvi's presentation, on March 13, 2024, Viktor Kanász discussed the history of Móric Szász's 1552 Hungarian campaign and encampment in Győr.

    During his presentation, he emphasized the significance of contemporary nuncios' reports on Hungarian affairs, a point also highlighted by Vilmos Fraknói, as these sources contain valuable information about the geopolitical background and military events of the year 1552. They shed light on the siege of Eger and Szász Móric's encampment in Győr. Additionally, contemporary documents from Italian, Viennese, and Hungarian archives provide further insights.

    Using these sources, the presenter first outlined the highly negative historiographical interpretations that emerged concerning Szász's electoral activities. He then juxtaposed these interpretations with the newly discovered sources.

    The content of Viktor Kanász's presentation was published in the 2023 issue of Arrabona and can be downloaded from there.

    As the next event in the Fraknói Centenary, on April 10th, Péter Tusor will hold the IX. University Workshop Seminar.


  • 2024. March 22.

    The Corvin Chain Society held a scientific session on March 12, 2024, at its prestigious headquarters in Budapest City Park. Among the invited speakers was Péter Tusor, the leader of the Fraknói research group. The title of his presentation was "Between Antiquity and Modernity: The Papacy in the Early Modern Period."

    More info: here and here.

  • 2024. March 16.

    'Synodalis consonantia. Konziliengeschichte als Spiegelbild kirchlicher Diskussionskultur und Identitätsfindung' study volume was presented at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome on March 9, 2024, in the presence of distinguished participants. This grand work celebrates the 70-year-old Johannes Grohe, a professor at the university. Prof. Grohe is the chief editor of Annales Historiae Conciliorum and also holds a prominent position in the Research Project History of the Church Councils. The Fraknói Research Group has been collaborating with the Gesellschaft für Konziliengeschitsforschung for a decade and a half (see herehere, and here). The study in the Grohe volume with relevance to Hungary is titled: 'Councils of Hungary in the Early Modern Period'



    Table of contents 

  • 2024. February 27.

    In 2024, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Vilmos Fraknói, the abbot of Szekszárd and Szentjobb, canon of Nagyvárad, elected bishop of Arbe, secretary, and vice president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Fraknói Research Group has been preparing for years to pay tribute to the centenary with scientific events and results worthy of its namesake.

    On May 2-3, a grand historiographical conference will be held in Nagyvárad in the ceremonial hall of the episcopal palace. On June 6, the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani in Rome will host an international symposium initiated and organized by us on the Aventine, where we will analyze Fraknói's and his colleagues' research at the Vatican, involving contemporary actors from Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Croatia. Throughout the Centenary, members of the Research Group will present the latest scientific findings on topics researched by Fraknói in various lectures (see here and here).

    On the day of Fraknói's death, November 20, we will lay a wreath on his renovated tomb in the Fiumei Road Cemetery. Following this, a memorial event will be held in the ceremonial hall of the Central Seminary, an institution where Fraknói resided during his university years. Here, we will present a volume containing the lectures from the Nagyvárad conference, supplemented with other publications focusing on his biography.

    The conclusion of the memorial year will take place on February 27, 2025, on Fraknói's 182nd birthday, with the presentation of the volume of the international symposium held in Rome. (Further details can be found on the homepage of institutumfraknoi.hu: "Events – Fraknói Centenary").

    The announcement of the Fraknói Centenary took place on Fraknói Vilmos's 181st birthday, on February 27. On this occasion, Balázs Rétfalvi, an external collaborator of the Research Group, delivered the 8th workshop presentation titled "Contributions to the Biography of Vilmos Fraknói (1843–1924)." At the beginning of the presentation, the speaker drew attention to the examination of the ecclesiastical middle class during the dualist era and briefly outlined the main points of Fraknói Vilmos's life.

    Then, he discussed three episodes of his life in more detail, including his origin, public activities, and the last years before his death.
    poster of Rétfalvi's lecture

    lecture's PPT


  • 2024. February 23.

    February 23rd saw a roundtable discussion titled "Pázmány-lifework in the Mirror of Literature and Politics" held in the ceremonial hall of the Petőfi Literary Museum. Moderated by Ibolya Maczák, the discussion featured insights from Ajkay Alinka, Csilla Gábor, Emil Hargittay, and Tusor Péter, the leader of the Fraknói Research Group. The content of the discussion and subsequent presentations will be published in the upcoming thematic issue of Magyar Napló Literary Magazine



  • 2024. February 13.

    On February 13, 2024, the Fraknói Workshop Lecture took place for the seventh time. At the beginning of the online event, Péter Tusor, the research group leader, greeted the participants, giving special recognition to János Bergmann, titular abbot and the current Grand Provost of the Cathedral Chapter of Kalocsa. Sági György, a scientific assistant of the research group, conducted a life interview with the retired parish priest from Bácsalmás on November 8, 2023, at the Archbishop's Palace in Kalocsa. In his introduction, Sági, similar to the leader of the research group, spoke about the usability of life interviews as oral history sources for historians. The interviewer also mentioned the previous application of this method in his research. The Workshop Lecture concluded with the screening of a segment from the interview. The full film is available on YouTube.


    Lecture's ppt is available here

  • 2024. February 12.

    On February 8, 2024, Róbert Oláh P., a scientific assistant of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a presentation at the annual first meeting of the Intelligence History Section of the Hungarian Military Science Society. The title of his lecture was "Hungarian Ecclesiastical Representatives in Rome, 1607-1783." In his presentation, he showcased the historical development of the Hungarian agency in Rome during the 17th century. Following this, he conducted a detailed analysis of the three-decade-long activities of Ferenc Zichy, the Bishop of Győr (1743-1783), who employed agents in Rome during that period. As a conclusion, he specifically focused on analyzing the news value of letters sent from Rome to Győr during the 1769 conclave. The event took place at the Library of the State Security Archives (Állambiztonsági Levéltár - ÁBTL).

  • 2024. February 1.

    On February 1, 2024, the 2024 lecture series of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani was inaugurated in Rome (Sala Promoteca Campidoglio). On this occasion, Maria Antonietta Visceglia, professor emerita from the University of Rome La Sapienza, delivered her lectio magistralis titled "Nepotismo papale e gender tra Rinascimento e Controriforma."

    The opening of the XCVIII Academic Year was conducted by Gaetano Platania, the president of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani and emeritus professor at the University of Viterbo. In his speech, he presented the history of the institute and drew attention to this year's rich program, which can be found on the institute's website. He highlighted the successful collaboration with the Vilmos Fraknói Roman Historical Research Group, emphasizing the upcoming jointly organized international conference titled "PROTAGONISTI E COLLABORATORI, Studiosi provenienti dall’Europa centro-orientale presso gli archivi della Santa Sede tra il 1881 e il 1918." He also mentioned the recent successful conclusion and results of the international symposium "I Collegi per stranieri a Roma 1750-1915."

    During her presentation, Maria Antonietta Visceglia discussed the situation of female relatives of popes from the 15th century onwards. She addressed the circumstances of the popes' children, who could not live within the Vatican walls and were often forced into politically motivated marriages to strengthen the power of the church. She provided specific examples from the biographies of Lucrezia di Borgia, Donna Olimpia, Vittoria Farnese, and Maddalena de Medici.

  • 2023. December 31.

    The Fraknói Research Group, in addition to its basic research tasks (see  here), places great emphasis on scientific popularization. As part of this effort, the Research Group extensively publishes its lectures. In addition to academia.eduFacebookInstagram, and Twitter pages, it created its YouTube channel ten years ago, where interested viewers can now find 224 videos.

    The success of the initiative is evident as the followers of the Research Group's pages and channels continue to grow each year. This year, the total views of all uploaded videos on the YouTube channel reached 12,725 individual views. This is a 107% increase compared to 2022. The viewing time of the videos also increased, totaling 2,038 hours this year, which is a 141% increase from last year.

    The most visited period of the year was in August, thanks to the upload of videos from the 9th Fraknói Summer Academy in Kalocsa.

    In 2023, the three videos with the most views were:

    1. The roundtable discussion on Mohács battle from the 6th Fraknói Summer Academy continued to lead, bringing in 3,607 new views this year.

    2.  A conversation with Archbishop Balázs Bábel with 641 views.

    3. Péter Tusor's lecture on the Árpás Altarpiece ( 5th Fraknói Workshop Lecture) with 463 views.

    The work will continue in 2024, with the Research Group expanding its channels with new scientific content.





  • 2024. January 26.

    After Péter Tusor's lecture on the Árpás Altarpiece in Győr, the 6th Fraknói Workshop took place on January 23, 2024. During this event, Gábor Nemes presented the results of his research supported by the Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, focusing on the medieval account book of the Győr Cathedral Chapter.

    Gábor Nemes began his presentation by providing an overview of the historiography and research history of the medieval account book of the Győr Cathedral Chapter. Following this, he aimed to illustrate the incredible research opportunities hidden in the source by addressing two specific topics. Firstly, he analyzed the Abda toll (customs) of the Győr Cathedral Chapter, which was collected on one of the busiest routes in medieval Hungary, connecting Győr and Vienna. He first introduced the property structure and management of the Győr Cathedral Chapter, then, based on the medieval account book, demonstrated the annual amount of the Abdai toll and the methodology of toll collection. He compared it with other incomes of the chapter, including the toll on the bridge over the Rába river in Győr, the tolls of the bishop of Győr, and the tolls of the Kanizsai family's estates in Sárvár and Kapu.

    Subsequently, by analyzing the surviving register from 1516 of the tithes in Moson – complemented with information from the cathedral chapter's account book – Nemes provided insight into the late medieval economy of the Győr canons.


  • 2024. January 6.

    The 'Bishop's Lexicon 1804–1918', the first phase of the Fraknói Research Group's extensive project spanning multiple grant cycles, concluded on Pentecost in 2020. The results of the comprehensive international collaboration are encompassed in the impressive volume published by Duncker & Humblot in Berlin: Die Bischöfe der Donuaumonarchie 1804 bis 1918. Ein amtsbiographisches Lexikon, Herausgegeben von Rupert Klieber, Band I: Die röm.-kath. Kirchenprovinzen Gran, Kalocsa, Erlau im Königreich Ungarn, unter Mitarbeit von Péter Tusor, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2020 (xviii + 661 p). Further details and the international dimensions of the research: here, presentations in BudapestRome, Vienna. In exploring the 'long 19th century', the Research Group focused on diocesan histories that also encompass foundational research from the Vatican. The project itself has Roman origins, built upon the archival cooperation between the initiating Campo Santo Teutonico rector, Erwin Gatz († 2011), and the editor-in-chief, Rupert Klieber.

    The second phase, the Hungarian-language version ('Püspöklexikon 1804–1918'), concluded its main work by Christmas 2023. This edition represents an improved and expanded version. Following the original concept, it includes the ordinaries of the Greek Catholic eparchies in Hungary (which are expected to be separately featured in an 'imperial' volume in the German version). While in the German edition, Rupert Klieber was the ultima manus, here the authors themselves are responsible for the entries. Therefore, the completeness of the research project and its results can only be assessed and interpreted in consideration of the Hungarian edition. During the editing process, Professor Klieber, along with his colleagues, extensively reworked, standardized, and expanded the entries using new archival and printed sources, as well as German academic data. In most cases, Hungarian authors and editors worked further using this material translated back into Hungarian by Zsófia Szirtes. The results of Professor Klieber's approach have been generally retained. In some biographies, the original positions of the authors have been more strongly emphasized. The authors are solely responsible for the entries in the Hungarian edition. Concerning the descriptions of the dioceses, we directly quote Professor Klieber's distinguishable statistical analyses from the German edition. This two-step research concept evolved interactively between Vienna and Budapest during the almost 'longue durée' project, and it was finalized in 2018–2019. The updating of the entries was significantly prompted by the extensive time span of the research before the Hungarian edition. (For details on the textual work, Zsófia Szirtes, the editor-in-chief of the Hungarian edition, provides information.) The academic data reflects the state of 2023. Inevitable errors in the first German edition were mostly corrected. (The detailed Errata & Corrigenda for the German version will be accessible online after the corrected Hungarian edition is printed.)

    In the case of entries authored by Slovak contributors for the dioceses in the Felvidék (territory of present-day Slovakia), at Professor Klieber's suggestion, we have translated the German version and focused only on checking the data and expanding the bibliography. Slovak authors only partially used the Hungarian academic literature, particularly the older sources. Interpretations significantly differing from the perspective of Hungarian historiography will be commented on in the introductions of the online edition, except for the introductions to two dioceses. Despite experiences gained during the international research conducted from 2006 to 2008 and effectively launched in spring 2009, detailed discussions about our distinct and interpreted shared history with Slovak colleagues through Vienna have not yet taken place. It is of great significance that in 2020, on the 100th anniversary of the Trianon tragedy, we managed to ensure, despite certain tendentious and one-sided claims, that Hungarian history is fundamentally present as Hungarian and not as any other history in the prestigious international publication released in Berlin. This goal was achieved through numerous compromises, which inevitably encountered failures in the search process. Such was the case with our request concerning the histories of the Nyitra and Besztercebánya bishoprics. The presentation of the history of these two dioceses remained somewhat one-sided in the German edition. (See point 4 of the editorial documentation dated March 5, 2019, addressed to Vienna, for historiographically intriguing editing details.)

    Behind this extensive research are no ERC millions. However, the significance of the results in understanding and comprehending the history of Central Europe has been acknowledged at the highest level by international scholars, from Joachim Bahlcke to Andreas Gottsmann and Thomas Winkelbauer. (Further reviews and presentations can be found here.) Apart from the initial capital provided by Erwin Gatz, this was achieved solely through the  Austrian Science Fund (Österreichisches Wissenschaftsfonds) and the MTA Lendület Program (as well as a fraction of the Fraknói Research Group's budget between 2017 and 2024). Initially, in 2024, the introductory text by the project's most esteemed author, Gábor Adriányi, and individual dioceses will be published separately in e-fascicules. In the case of the latter, the biographies of all bishops of the respective diocese will be available. Following the publication of all e-fascicules, the volume will be released digitally (e-lib.) and in print in 2025. Currently, on Epiphany 2024, alongside Gábor Adriányi's introduction, the entries for SzékesfehérvárGyőr, and Pannonhalma will be made Open Access.

    The Hungarian edition is the result of the editorial work by Zsófia Szirtes, Péter Tusor, and Rupert Klieber, with contributions from István Fazekas and András Forgó. The editorial tasks are carried out by Zita Lőrincz. Special thanks go to Margit Balogh for the diocesan introductions and her valuable advice. Adrienne Tengely's meticulous professional editing and augmentation of the entries authored by Slovak contributors, the rewriting of the entries for Eger and Szatmár, and the verification and update of all (!) Greek Catholic entries by Tamás Véghseő are also acknowledged. And gratitude is extended to all authors from Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Pécs, Szeged, Eger, Nyíregyháza; from Gyulafehérvár, Kolozsvár, Marosvásárhely; from the Felvidék/Slovakia, Transcarpathia; and of course from Vienna and Budapest. Among the authors, Gheorghe Gorun from Nagyvárad, László Bura from Szatmár, and Balázs Csíky, a Bolyai Fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, unfortunately did not live to see the completion of the Bishop's Lexicon.

    The Bishop's Lexicon 1804–1918 marks the beginning of the millennial historical dimension project of the Fraknói Research Group, the Moravcsik Gyula Institute, and the Collegium Professorum Hungarorum. Following the example of the German research spearheaded by Erwin Gatz, a lexicon of Hungarian bishops from 1001 to 1993 will be prepared. The planned volumes include: Bishop's Lexicon 1918–1993; Bishop's Lexicon 1711–1804; Bishop's Lexicon 1605–1711;1526–1605, Bishop's Lexicon 1458–1526; Bishop's Lexicon 1302–1458; Bishop's Lexicon 1001–1302. In anticipation of the Mohács anniversary, the manuscript of the lexicon of the Hunyadi–Jagelló era is nearing completion. Refer to the  report by editor-in-chief Tamás Fedeles for details on this and the entire project.
