On 9-10 June 2022, a two-day conference entitled The History of Church History in Hungary was held at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Miskolc. Gábor Nemes, Tamás Kruppa, Viktor Kanász, Balázs Rétfalvi and György Sági represented the Frakno Research Group at the conference.
Gábor Nemes presented a paper entitled From Győr to Rome - Lajos Balics and Árpád Bossányi's Vatican research.
Afterwards, Viktor Kanász gave a lecture entitled The forgotten successors of Nuncio Burgio - The nuncios assigned to Ferdinand I and Hungarian historiography. He pointed out that in the early modern period, one of the most important key figures in the relations between the Holy See and Hungary were the nuncios sent to the monarch.
Tamás Kruppa presented Árpád Károlyi and the "First Austro-Hungarian Reconciliation", the work of Károlyi on the Bocskai Uprising.
Balázs Rétfalvi presented the life of the famous church historian Gyula Géfin in his lecture "The Historian of the Diocese of Szombathely".
In his lecture, György Sági gave an insight into the development of the Archives of the Conferences of Hungarian Monks' (MSZKL) and the structure of its archives.