Five years ago today, on 3rd of May 2017 Wolfgang Reinhard gave a lecture at Hungarian Academy of Science's headquarters in Budapest. That event was his first official lecture in Hungary.
Professor Reinhard's lecture „Konfession und Konfessionalisierung. Der Stand der Diskussion” was translated to Hungarian by András Forgó docent at University of Pécs. Soon former MTA-PPKE 'Lendület' Church History Research Group (2012-2017) published Reinhard's lecture 'Felekezet és felekezetszerveződés. A tudományos diskurzus fejleményei' . This issue was the first fasciculus in Collectanea Studiorum et Textum's III series. Hungarian and English news about the event are available on mta.hu .
Professor Reinhard was born in 1937. His research area is the early modern ages. He invented with Heinz Schilling the model of confessionalization which was the most important paradigm shift in Church history since Leopold von Ranke and Max Weber.
The same event was the closing event of the five-year-project of MTA-PPKE Church History Research Group. Péter Tusor, leader of the mentioned Research Group has announced on that afternoon that Vilmos Fraknói Research Group (2017-2022) has been established for the next five-years-project term as the successors of 'Lendület' Group.
From 1st of July 2022 Vilmos Fraknói Research Group is going to continue the professional work as ELKH-PPKE-PTE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group.