The public defense of the doctoral thesis of Viktor Kanász, research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, was held on September 7 at the University of Pécs. The dissertation, Hungary and the Holy See in the mid-16th century, was conducted by Péter Tusor and Tamás Fedeles. The subject of this dissertation is Hungary and the Holy See in the mid-16th century. Girolamo Martinengo nuncio and the Kingdom of Hungary (1550-1554). The opponents of the dissertation were Prof. Dr. István Fazekas (ELTE BTK Történeti Intézet) and Dr. György Laczlavik (MNL OL Elektronikus Nyilvántartások Főosztálya).
The dissertation was evaluated by the committee headed by Prof. Dr. Márta Font DSc professor emerita with summa cum laude (96,6 %). An extended version of the dissertation is expected to be published in book form as CVH Volume I/22.
The doctoral dissertation is available here.