Two members of the Fraknói Research Group participated at the international conference "Church and Society in Late Medieval Transylvania (14th–16th Centuries)" in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) on 15 February 2019.
Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the research group, in his lecture titled "The Transylvanian Diocese and the Apostolic Chamber during the Reign of King Sigismund of Luxembourg" (read by Viktor Kanász) gave insight into three important segments of the relation between the Diocese and the Apostolic Chamber: the various taxes, the ad limina visitations and the ordainments of the Curia.
Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the research group, also gave his own lecture "The Sources on the Process of György Fráter’s Murder in the Vatican Archives", in which he analysed the documents and sources about the murder of Georgius Martinuzzi, and the enquiry initiated at the Holy See, specifically the confession of Miklós Oláh, primate of Hungary.
At the end of the conference, one of the research group's volumes, Regesta Supplicationum 1522–1523, got presented to the audience.