On May 2, 2023, at the Seminarium Centrale in Budapest, the Fraknói Research Group held the presentation of the Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum I/5 volume entitled A magyar katolicizmus és Trianon (Hungarian Catholicism and the Treaty of Trianon). The study volume was edited by research assistant György Sági and series editor by research group leader Péter Tusor.
At the beginning of the event, Péter Tusor greeted those present, and then spoke briefly about the Trianon és az Egyház (Trianon and the Church) conference organized and financed by the Research Group in 2021, which can be considered the precursor to this work.
The volume was presented by Balázs Rétfalvi, the director of the Diocesan Archive in Szombathely, Balázs Ablonczy, the head of the "Lendület Trianon100" Research Group, and Miklós Jávor, an external collaborator of the Fraknói Research Group.
The study volume is available Open Access and can be downloaded here.