Title of Péter Tusor's lecture: "«Sotto l’Ombra di San Pietro»” Gli alunni del Collegio Germanico Ungherese provenienti dal Regno d’Ungheria tra gli anni 1750-1782 e 1844-1915” (The Students of the Collegio Germanico Ungherese from the Kingdom of Hungary between the years 1750-1782 and 1844-1915") Péter Tusor delivered a lecture with the aforementioned title at the conference of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani. The conference titled "I Collegi per stranieri a Roma 1750-1915" (International Symposium on Foreign Colleges in Rome 1750-1915) was a continuation of the previous year's scholarly discussion on the early modern history of Roman national colleges.
The following institutions were involved in organizing the conference: Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (Rome); Centro Studi Emigrazione (Rome); Peter Pazmany Catholic University, Eötvös Loránd Research Network (Budapest); Università della Tuscia (Viterbo), Department of Human Sciences, Communication, and Tourism; University of Chieti, Department of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; Université Laval (Québec), Department of Theology and Religious Sciences.
The scientific committee responsible for the preparation and organization, led by Matteo Sanfilippo, included the following members: Alessandro Boccolini (Università della Tuscia), Gaetano Platania (Istituto Studi Romani), Giovanni Pizzorusso (University of Chieti), Philippe Roy-Lysencourt (Université Laval), Matteo Sanfilippo (Centro Studi Emigrazione), Péter Tusor (Peter Pazmany Catholic University of Budapest). The call for papers in Italian and a brief presentation of participants representing a broad international spectrum of scholarly work can be viewed here.
The annotated versions of the presentations given in Italian, French, and Spanish will be published in the first quarter of 2024 by the publishing house Sette Città in Viterbo, under the care of the series Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche similar to the volume from the previous year.
The Italian newspaper Reppublica also covered the significant professional event in its program.
(PowerPoint presentation (ppt) of the lecture.)