22th Győr Book Salon featured the unveiling of Issue 61 of Arrabona on November 10 at the Kisfaludy Károly Library (Győr). Gábor Nemes, alongside Emese Pápai and Zoltán Székely, who were involved in editorial tasks, presented the volume of the Rómer Flóris Museum's Regional Scientific Yearbook. During this presentation, they highlighted the study group titled "North Transdanubia in the Ottoman Era," the precursor of which was the conference titled "Győr as the Bastion of Western Christianity" held on May 18 (see here). The collection of studies includes Péter Tusor's work titled "Another Turkish War after Vasvár? Reports of Nuncio Antonio Pignatalli (1668–1670)" (download here) and Viktor Kanász's piece "Móric Szász's 1552 Campaign in Hungary and Camp in Győr" (download here).