On 29th of April 2022 Péter Tusor leader of the Fraknói Research Group and Róbert Oláh P. research fellow gave lectures at an international conference 'Höhere Bildung in den Jesuitenschulen Mitteleuropas am Beispiel der Universität von Tyrnau' in Vienna. The conference main goal was to highlight the influences of the University of Trnava and Jesuit Order on Habsburg Empire. Péter Tusor based in Vatican sources showed in his lecture the process of the foundation of University of Trnava in 1635. After that at the end of the session Róbert Oláh P. analyzed by the method of prosopography the academic background of Canons of Győr between 1658 and 1783.
After the end of the lectures scientifical discussion was continuing vigorously.