Leader of our research group, Péter Tusor contributed in the works of publishing a new book about István Gyöngyösi, poet from the 17th century Hungary. Presentation of the book Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Letters and documents of István Gyöngyösi) was held at the ELTE Eötvös Collegium.
The book is an addition to the series Régi Magyar Könyvtár, which already had a number of volumes about István Gyöngyösi. This time the published sources were selected from the correspondence of the catholic baroque poet.
The work also revealed new perspectives and details about the life of the poet, some which had already been found by Péter Tusor, due to the recognition of the mistake made by previous researchers, namely that they confused two separate persons called István Gyöngyösi.
The presentation included remarks and lectures from the following persons:
László Horváth, director of the József Eötvös Collegium
Andrea Soóky, director of the Balassi Press
Zsombor Tóth literature historian
Béla Mihalik historian and archivist
József Jankovics coauthor of the book
Péter Tusor coauthor of the book
The full title of the book: Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Régi Magyar Könyvtár. Források 15), közreadja Jankovics József–Nyerges Judit–Tusor Péter, Budapest 2017 (Balassi Kiadó)