After Péter Tusor's lecture on the Árpás Altarpiece in Győr, the 6th Fraknói Workshop took place on January 23, 2024. During this event, Gábor Nemes presented the results of his research supported by the Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, focusing on the medieval account book of the Győr Cathedral Chapter.
Gábor Nemes began his presentation by providing an overview of the historiography and research history of the medieval account book of the Győr Cathedral Chapter. Following this, he aimed to illustrate the incredible research opportunities hidden in the source by addressing two specific topics. Firstly, he analyzed the Abda toll (customs) of the Győr Cathedral Chapter, which was collected on one of the busiest routes in medieval Hungary, connecting Győr and Vienna. He first introduced the property structure and management of the Győr Cathedral Chapter, then, based on the medieval account book, demonstrated the annual amount of the Abdai toll and the methodology of toll collection. He compared it with other incomes of the chapter, including the toll on the bridge over the Rába river in Győr, the tolls of the bishop of Győr, and the tolls of the Kanizsai family's estates in Sárvár and Kapu.
Subsequently, by analyzing the surviving register from 1516 of the tithes in Moson – complemented with information from the cathedral chapter's account book – Nemes provided insight into the late medieval economy of the Győr canons.