The cardinal protectors were important participants of the representation of certain nations and states in Rome. For the examination of this office, which had been developed by the beginning of the 16th century, an international project was started with the participation of the Università della Tuscia (Prof. Gaetano Platania, Prof. Matteo Sanfilippo), the Università di Chieti-Pescara (Prof. Irene Fosi), the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma - CSIC (Prof. Rafael Valladare) and the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group. In the frame of the project there was an academic discussion with the title “Ángeles Custodios de las monarquías: los cardenales protectores de las naciones” in the February of 2017 in the Spanish Historical and Archaeological Institute in Rome. The second colloquio internazionale took place at the end of November 2017 in Viterbo. The results of the joint work aimed at the study of the office of cardinal protectors were published in the form of a volume, that contains twelve studies in Italian, by the Edizioni Sette Città, with the co-publishing of the Fraknói Research Group: Gli “angeli custodi” delle monarchie: I cardinali protettori delle nazioni. A cura di Matteo Sanfilippo, Péter Tusor. (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche 7), Viterbo, Sette Città, 2018.
Matteo Sanfilippo – Péter Tusor (ed.)