A Fraknói Kutatócsoport 2024-es évének különösen fontos időszaka volt a november-decemberi periódus, ami a Kutatócsoport honlapjának látogatottságára is kihatott. 2024. nov. 1. és 2024. dec. 31. között 1400-nál is több érdeklődő érkezett a honlapra. A csúcspont november 21-e volt, több mint 100 felhasználóval.

2025. February 7.

After the memorial conference in Nagyvárad and in Rome, as well as the wreath-laying at the Lateran, the commemorative ceremony for the Fraknó Centenary was held in Budapest on November 19, 2024, on the vigil of

2024. November 19.

The centenary year organized by the Research Group named after Vilmos Fraknói was built on two main pillars: the commemorative conference held in early May in Nagyvárad and the international symposium in Rome. The annotated version of the presentations from the Nagyvárad conference, supplemented with additional studies, writings, and appendices, was published on October 16, 2024, as volume I/24 of the CVH series.

2024. October 15.
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The Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Péter Pázmány Catholic University was established in the June of 2012 as the ‘Impetus’ Church History Research Group in the frame of the Church History Research Institute of the University founded by Rector Péter Erdő in 1999. It carries on independently the latter’s publications (Bibliotheca Historiae Ecclesiasticae Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány Nuncupatae) and researches in Rome and in Vienna, with the involvement of academic and other funding sources.


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