Church and Society in Late Medieval Transylvania (14th–16th Centuries) - Részvétel a kolozsvári nemzetközi egyháztörténeti konferencián


A Fraknói Kutatócsoport két tagja, Fedeles Tamás és Kanász Viktor részt vesz a 2019. február 15-én, Kolozsváron rendezett Church and Society in Late Medieval Transylvania (14th–16th Centuries) című nemzetközi konferencián, valamint a Kutatócsoport által tavaly kiadott Regesta Supplicationum 1522–1523. című kötet is bemutatásra kerül.

A program:

9.30–10.00: Opening


Fedeles Tamás (PhD, Pécs – University of Pécs, HAS-PPCU Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group): The Transylvanian Diocese and the Apostolic Chamber during the Reign of King Sigismund of Luxembourg.

F. Romhányi Beatrix (PhD, Budapest – Károli Gáspár University): Special Questions in a Special Region: Changes of the Monastic Network in Transylvania.

Carmen Florea (PhD, Cluj-Napoca – Babeș-Bolyai University): The Impact of Observant Reform on Religious Life

11.30–11.50: Coffee break


Lupescu Mária-Magdolna (PhD, Cluj-Napoca – Babeș-Bolyai University): The Kinship Connections and Social Networks of the Transylvanian Chapter. A Case Study

Kovács Mihai (PhD Student, Alba Iulia – Babeș-Bolyai University, ‘TRANS.SCRIPT – The Centre for Diplomatic and Medieval Documentary Palaeography’): Episcopal Familiares and Their Careers in the First Decades of the Sixteenth century

Ciprian Firea (PhD, Cluj-Napoca – The Institute of Archeology and Art History of the Romanian Academy): Preliminaries to an Ecclesiastic Prosopography of Medieval Transylvania. The Clergy of the Saxons until the Reformation

13.20–15.00: Lunch break


Adinel Ciprian Dincă (PhD, Cluj-Napoca – Babeș-Bolyai University, ‘TRANS.SCRIPT – The Centre for Diplomatic and Medieval Documentary Palaeography’): Literacy and the Parish Church in Pre-Reformation Transylvania: A Systematic Approach

Cătălina Covaciu (PhD Student, Cluj-Napoca – Babeș-Bolyai University, ‘TRANS.SCRIPT – The Centre for Diplomatic and Medieval Documentary Palaeography’): The Body of Christ: Considerations on the Use of the Eucharist as a Relic in Medieval Transylvania

16.00–16.20: Coffee break


Hegyi Géza (PhD Student, Cluj-Napoca – Research Institute of the Transylvanian Museum Society): The Tithing of the Romanians Settled on „Terrae Christianorum”: From Theory to Practice.

Kanász Viktor (HAS-PPCU Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group, PhD Student – University of Pécs, ): The Sources on the Process of György Fráter’s Murder in the Vatican Archives

17.20–17.40: Coffee break

17.40–18.20: Book review

Adinel Ciprian Dincă: Instituția episcopală latină în Transilvania medievală (sec. XI/XII–XIV). Cluj-Napoca, 2017. – presented by Kovács Mihai.

Regesta Supplicationum 1522–1523. A VI. Adorján pápa uralkodása alatt elfogadott magyar vonatkozású kérvények. / The Supplications Relating to the Kingdom of Hungary Approved under Pope Hadrian VI. Közreadja/ Edited by Lakatos Bálint. Budapest–Róma 2018. (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae. Classis I, vol. 16.) – presented by Hegyi Géza

18.20–18.30: Conclusions