TAMÁS TÓTH, «Si nullus incipiat, nullus finiet». La rinascita della Chiesa d’Ungheria dopo la conquista turca nell’attività di Gábor Patachich e di Ádám Patachich, Arcivescovi di Kalocsa-Bács (1733–1784) (CVH I/6), Budapest–Roma–Szeged 2011. 374 p. + 9 suppl. (pictures, facsimiles, genealogical tree)
The volume – written in Italian – deals with the patronage, rebuilding and archiepiscopal activity of Gábor Patachich and Ádám Patachich, archbishops of Kalocsa-Bács, the alumni of the roman Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum, on that part of Hungary, that had been under Ottoman rule, with special regard to their Vatican connections.
It fills a gap also in the history of the Southern Great Hungarian Plain and it has a modern approach acquired during roman church history studies.