• 2017. July 2.

    Although the 5 years operation of our Lendület project just ended, we continue our work as the MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group from 1 July 2017.

    The closing reports about our work and accomplishments can be found in the attached files.

    1. Rating given by the President of the MTA (27 June 2017.)
    2. Report of the research activities during the 5 years of the Lendület research group
    3. Publication list
    4. Lectures and presentations on conferences
    5. Summary of science communication activities

    Great majority of the official reviewers helped our work with their objective ratings and critics. We have to say our special thanks for one of the reviewers, whose closing thoughts mean great motivation to us in the future.



  • 2017. August 11.

    The third Fraknói Summer Academy was organized and it was held in Tihany and Veszprém during 7–11 August 2017. The subject of the scientific lectures was mainly the Archdiocese of Veszprém. Curators of the event were Péter Tusor and Máté Gárdonyi, the director was Viktor Kanász.

    On the first two days of the Academy, participants could hear lectures not just about the history of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, but the newest foundings of several researchers concerning the church history of Hungary. Some of the lectures are listed below:


    Máté Gárdonyi: Synods in the dyocese of Veszprém

    Dániel Bácsatyai: The first hungarian nepos-es

    Norbert C. Tóth: Relatives of Tamás Bakóc, cardinal of Hungary

    András Forgó: The relations between the abbot of Zirc and the bishop of Veszprém. Cooperation and confortation

    István Takáts: The meaning of history and the role of providence in the works of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet


    On the following days, the attendants could explore the abbey of Tihany and the Archives of the Archidiocese of Veszprém.



  • 2017. September 4.

    Research fellow Gábor Nemes and assistant research fellow Viktor Kanász gave lectures on a conference related to the 16th century history of the diocese of Veszprém. The conference was held during 30–31 August 2017 in Veszprém.

    In his lecture (Pietro Isvalies, cardinal and bishop of Veszprém), Gábor Nemes talked about the legate activities of Pietro Isvalies in Hungary between 1500–1503 and his role as the bishop of Veszprém between 1503–1511.

    Viktor Kanász gave insight into the 16th century's society of Kanizsa and the rise and fall of the protestant reformation in the city (Kanizsa and the protestant border castle society in the 16th century).

    Review on Magyar Kurír

  • 2017. September 10.

    Interview with Péter Tusor in Duna TV about science, art and research (’Impetus’ program, research in the Vatican Archives, etc)

    The relevant part of the interview between 05.01–12.37.

  • 2017. September 15.

    Our new book titled Magyarország és a római Szentszék II. Vatikáni magyar kutatások a 21. században (Hungary and the Holy See of Rome II. Hungarian Historical Researches of the 21th Century in the Vatican) was published. It is the first pubication in the frame of the Fraknói Research Group, however, it was prepared during the Lendület (Impetus) program.

    The book contains preliminary studies of our projects for the next five years, just like the previous volume. The studies have already been presented on the symposium Hungarian research in the Vatican in the 21st century (Pécs, 23 August 2016.), which was part of the programme of the VIII. International Hungarology Congress (detailed report: Kronológia).

    Review of the book

  • 2017. September 19.

    Leader of our research group, Péter Tusor contributed in the works of publishing a new book about István Gyöngyösi, poet from the 17th century Hungary. Presentation of the book Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Letters and documents of István Gyöngyösi) was held at the ELTE Eötvös Collegium.

    The book is an addition to the series Régi Magyar Könyvtár, which already had a number of volumes about István Gyöngyösi. This time the published sources were selected from the correspondence of the catholic baroque poet.

    The work also revealed new perspectives and details about the life of the poet, some which had already been found by Péter Tusor, due to the recognition of the mistake made by previous researchers, namely that they confused two separate persons called István Gyöngyösi.

    The presentation included remarks and lectures from the following persons:

    László Horváth, director of the József Eötvös Collegium

    Andrea Soóky, director of the Balassi Press

    Zsombor Tóth literature historian

    Béla Mihalik historian and archivist

    József Jankovics coauthor of the book

    Péter Tusor coauthor of the book

    The full title of the book: Gyöngyösi István levelei és iratai (Régi Magyar Könyvtár. Források 15), közreadja Jankovics József–Nyerges Judit–Tusor Péter, Budapest 2017 (Balassi Kiadó)

  • 2017. September 24.

    Péter Tusor gave an interview about Péter Pázmány in the program „History and literature” in the Hungarian Television (MTV).

    The interview can be accessed here.

  • 2017. September 27.

    On 27 September 2017, senior research fellow Tamás Kruppa habilitated at the University of Pécs with a result of 93% summa cum laude. Opponents were Klára Papp (University of Debrecen), János Kalmár (Eötvös Loránd University, Eszterházy Károly University). Chairman of the committee was Endre Sashalmi (University of Pécs), members were Ildikó Horn (Eötvös Loránd University), Tamás Fedeles (University of Pécs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Péter Tusor (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), secretary was Ferenc Végh (University of Pécs).


  • 2017. September 28.

    Péter Tusor and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi participated at the conference Catholic church society in the 17th century in Pécs. The event was officially opened by György Udvardy bishop of Pécs.

    Péter Tusor gave a lecture titled The prosophography of the hungarian prelates in the Vatican Secret Archives (1612–1711)Chairman of the first section was Máté Gárdonyi, external member of the Fraknói Research Group.


  • 2017. October 11.

    The first workshop seminar of the Fraknói Research Group was organised at the University of Pécs on 11 October 2017.

    The first lecture was given by Péter Tusor, leader of the Research Group, who gave a summary of the Vatican research from Vilmos Fraknói until the present days. He was followed by Tamás Fedeles, who presented his results concerning the collectors of the Apostolic Camera in the 14th century. Gábor Nemes gave a lecture about the relations between the diocese of Győr and the Roman Curia in the medieval period. Bálint Lakatos analyzed precedentials in the Roman Curia and the debates between certain legates. Viktor Kanász lectured on the murder of György Fráter, to which he was able to provide new data as well. Finally, Tamás Kruppa investigated the connection between politics and religion in the early 17th century Transylvania through the works of the jesuit Giovanni Argenti.

    The lectures themselves were parallel with the recently published book Hungary and the Holy See of Rome II. Hungarian Historical Researches of the 21th Century in the Vatican.

    We also gave an interview on the occasion of the event to Magyar Kurír.


  • 2017. October 29.

    Péter Tusor's book Péter Pázmány’s Process of Enquiry. His Family, Catholicisation, Missions was published as the second publication of the Fraknói Research Group.

    One of the most exciting part of the Hungarian Vatican historical research is the discovery of the hidden sources beyond the collections of the Holy See and the national archives of Italy. One fresh example is the Pázmány-record, which contains the reports of the enquiry process after his appointment of archbishop of Esztergom, which can be found in the private collection of the Aldobrandini family near Rome, Frascati (Photos can be accessed here in the Repositorum.)

    The result of the investigation of this new source is our newest book, which clarifies some previously long discussed questions about the carreer of Péter Pázmány, and it also contributes towards identity-specific studies about the founder of our university.

    Full details of the book: 

    Péter Pázmány’s Process of Enquiry. His Family, Catholicisation, Missions. (With the Papers of the Pázmány–Tholdy Archives). Revealed, translated and with accompanying study and documents edited by Péter Tusor. (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae II/6), Budapest–Rome 2017.

  • 2017. November 5.

    Wolfgang Reinhard’s study „Konfession & Konfessionalisierung in Europa” was translated in Hungarian and was published by the Fraknói Research Group.

    The lecture which the study was based on had been organised on 3 May 2017 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A review about the event can be found at Újkor.hu

    Full details of the study:

    Wolfgang Reinhard, Felekezet és felekezetszerveződés Európában. A tudományos diskurzus fejleményei [Konfession und Konfessionalisierung in Europa. Der Stand der Diskussion] (Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum III/1) (transl. in Hungarian by András Forgó; ed. by Péter Tusor), Budapest 2017.

  • 2017. November 11.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group presented the book "Jesuit presence in Győr in the 17-18th century" during a conference in Győr on 10 November 2017. The new volume contains the results of the symposium which was organised with the same name on 14 October 2016.

    Full details of the book:

    Jezsuita jelenlét Győrben a 17–18. században. Tanulmányok a 375 éves Szent Ignác-templom történetéhez [Jesuit presence in Győr in the 17-18th century. Studies about the 375 years old Saint Ignatius Church in Győr] (edited by: István Fazekas–Zsófia Kádár–Zsolt Kökényesi) Győr 2017.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • 2017. November 15.

    Péter Tusor and András Koltai held presentations on the opening event of the new exhibition in the Buda Castle on 15 November 2017. The exhibition "For Faith and Knowledge: The Piarists and the Hungarian Culture" was opened on the 400th year anniversary of the Order's foundation, and the 300th year anniversary of it's settling in the city of Budapest.

    András Koltai also held a lecture about the settling of the Piarists at Pázmány Péter Catholic University on 21 November 2017.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

  • 2017. November 16.

    Accepting the invitation of the Fraknói Research Group, Prof. Silvano Giordano OCD held a lecture about the Council of Trent at Pázmány Péter Catholic University on 16 November 2017. The lecture was in Italian, the interpreter was György Domokos, leader of the Italian Institute of PPKE.

  • 2017. November 17.

    Viktor Kanász, research assistant fellow of the Fraknói Research Group gave a lecture about the murder of György Fráter (Georgius Martinuzzi) and the Habsburg relations in the 1550s at the Piarist School of Nagykanizsa on 17 November 2017. In his lecture he gave detailed analysis on the death of the archbishop of Esztergom and the papal enquiry about the events, concerning the characteristics of the diplomatic relations at the time.

  • 2017. November 23.

    Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview on the Vatican Radio on the occasion of the arrival of our book "Hungary and Holy See of Rome II".

    As before, we try our best in the present and the future to make our newest volumes available at universities, libraries and institutions both in Rome and the Vatican.

  • 2017. November 27.

    On behalf of the Fraknói Research Group, Balázs Rétfalvi and György Sági gave lectures at the conference "Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo", which was organised on 27 November 2017, the 50th year anniversary of the death of József Pétery, bishop of Vác (1942–1967). The chairman of the first section was Péter Tusor.

    György Sági, external member of the Fraknói Research Group compared the images of the bishop found in the contemporary press and memoirs of certain persons, which show a determined, empathic character. Balázs Rétfalvi, research assistant fellow of the already transformed Lendület project described and analysed the speeches which the bishop gave at conferences, and he concluded that the bishop not just played an active role at those, but he also had a unique view which was different from the archbishop's.


  • 2017. December 1.

    Norbert C. Tóth, who was once connected with the Lendület project in it's side project Camera Apostolica, is the first student from Pázmány Péter Catholic University since it's foundation who successfully defended his Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences thesis and thus acquired the title on 1 December 2017. Péter Tusor was also a member of the evaluation committee, and his review on the thesis is available here.

  • 2017. December 8.

    Tamás Fedeles senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group got Master Teacher Prize of the National Council of Scientific Students' Associations for his outstanding role in the talent management on 20 November 2017.

  • 2017. December 9.

    Due to the relations and cooperation between the Fraknói Research Group and the Institute of Church History of the University of Vienna, Krisztina Tóth and Benedikt Rupp worked together on the Bischofslexikon der Habsburgermonarchie 1804–1918. Benedikt Rupp spent two days in Budapest, and with the help of Krisztina Tóth did the finishing works on the project.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3.

  • 2017. December 18.

    Péter Tusor gave an interview on the Vatican Radio about the process of enquiry of Péter Pázmány and the location of the Fraknói Research Group in Rome on 16 December 2017.

  • 2017. December 16.

    On 15 December 2017 Fraknói Research Group organised it's second workshop. Due to the 50th birthday of the leader of the research group, the workshop started with a celebration lunch, where Mons. József Török delivered a short speech. (Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.)

    In the afternoon Péter Tusor presented his new volume (Péter Pázmány's process of Enquiry), and since this lecture could be seen as an integral part of the BA and MA studies, students from Pázmány Péter Catholic University filled the lecture hall.

  • 2018. January 5.

    After the international workshop "Il Papato e le Chiese locali – The Papacy and the local Churches" (organised on 9-10 May 2013, Budapest) and the publishing of the book containing the studies and lectures which were presented there, it can be accessed in full length through this link.

  • 2018. January 15.

    The cardinal protectors were important representation members of various states in Europe. An international cooperation project between Università della Tuscia (Prof. Gaetano Platania, Prof. Matteo Sanfilippo), Università di Chieti-Pescara (Prof. Irene Fosi), Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma - CSIC (Prof. Rafael Valladare) and the Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group resulted in two workshops so far, the first one was held on February 2017, the second on November 2017.

    The results of the studies will be published under the works of Edizioni Sette Città and the Fraknói Research Group.

  • 2018. February 1.

    The Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was granted to Krisztina Tóth (research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group) for her application work "The History of the Diocese of Szombathely under the Church Governance of József Grősz (1936–1944)" on 31 January 2017.

    Pictures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  • 2018. February 8.

    Starting February this year, you can follow the research group also on Instagram and Twitter, besides our Academia.edu and YouTube presence. The primary content channel will still be our website institutumfrankoi.hu, and the publication list of the members of the research group can be accessed through MTMT.

  • 2018. February 14.

    Ádám Porubszky, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview on M1 TV channel about the origins of Saint Valentine's Day on 14 February. The interview can be seen here from 11:10.

  • 2018. February 18.

    Tamás Fedeles (senior research fellow) gave an interview on Újkor.hu about his church history and Vatican related research.

  • 2018. February 27.

    The eponym of our research group, Vilmos Fraknói was born on 27 February 1843. His family name was Frankl, which he changed to the more Hungarian sounding Fraknói after the death of his father in 1874. He became a catholic priest, and he played a big role in Hungarian historical research and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He became a correspondant member of the Academy when he was only 27 years old, and three years later he became a full member. In May 1879 he became the secretary general of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and he stayed in the position for 10 years.

    He made great efforts to collect sources of Hungarian history from Italian church and state archives. One of his major achievements was the organisation of Hungarian historical research in the Vatican, the launch of the series Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae, and the establishment of the Hungarian Institute of History in Rome.

    On occasion of his birthday anniversary, our research group held a commemoration and wreath laying at his grave.

  • 2018. March 23.

    The Kubinyi András Historian Workshop organised a conference between 21–23 March 2018 at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Piliscsaba. Three members of our research group also participated and gave lectures as well.

    Leader of the Fraknói Research Group Péter Tusor was the chairman of the section medieval and early modern period in Hungary. Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow, of the research group gave a lecture on the Beneéthy and Nyási formulary book, which were the representatives of the synthesis of the late Middle Ages ecclesiastical law in Hungary. She also compared the two variants with each other, explaining the causes and circumstances of the similarities and the differences between them.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow, analysed the church relations during the 16th century in the Hungarian town Kanizsa. He pointed out the importance of the thesis of confessionalisation, which also contradicts the long believed fact that the reformation could be attached with fix dates, rather than the idea that confessions lived and developed parallel with eachother. He proved the latter was more accurate in the example of Kanizsa as well.

    Assistant research fellow Ádám Porubszky compared the two images of the Counts of Cilli in Hungarian and Slovenian historiography. Until the second half of the 20th century the dynasty was the symbol of evil, manipulative and alien nobles not just for historians, but dramatists and writers alike in Hungary. On the other hand, former historians related to Slovenia had romantic and nationalistic approach towards the Counts, whom they long considered the medieval representations of the Slovene nation at the time.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3.


  • 2018. April 3.

    Róbert Oláh gave an interview (from: 2:26:16) about the history of Easter in the Hungarian Television (M1).

  • 2018. April 25.

    Our research group published the new volume of Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae. The "Regesta Supplicationum, 1522–1523. The Supplications Relating to the Kingdom of Hungary Approved under Pope Hadrian VI" by Bálint Lakatos is a collection of the supplications and requests addressed to the pope. The book was published under the cooperation of the Fraknói Research Group and the Hungarian Medieval Research Group. The first presentation of the book will happen during the third workshop of our research group, on 18 May 2018, at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Sophianum I. floor room 111. at 16:00.

  • 2018. May 3.

    Máté Gárdonyi, external member of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture at the Lajos Szmrecsányi Memorial Conference in Eger on 3 May 2018. The conference, which had been organised by the Archdiocese of Eger, was dedicated for the 75th anniversary of the death of archbishop Lajos Szmrecsányi.

    In his lecture, Máté Gárdonyi analysed the ad limina reports made by Lajos Szmrecsányi in 1928, which clearly show the daily struggles and situation of the archdiocese.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • 2018. May 7.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the research group, gave a lecture (Girolamo Martinengo, the nuncio to the court of Ferdinand and Process of György Fráter’s murder) about György Fráter (Georgius Martinuzzi) at the conference "Viewpoints on the history of Transylvania" in Nagyvárad (Oradea).

  • 2018. May 8.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, and Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow, gave lectures in Nagyvárad (Oradea) on 8 May 2018 due to the presentation of the book "Péter Pázmány’s Process of Enquiry. His Family, Catholicisation, Missions (With the Papers of the Pázmány–Tholdy Archives)".

    In his lecture, Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow, pointed out the relations in the book with Várad, the birthplace of Péter Pázmány. He was followed by Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, who gave more insight to the connections which Pázmány and his family had with Nagyvárad and the territory adjacent to it during their history.

    Photos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  6.  7.

  • 2018. May 11.

    Mons. József Török gave a lecture at the Althann Mihály Frigyes Memorial Conference about the foreign policy of the Althann family. Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, also contributed to the conference by being a moderator at one of the sections.

    Pictures 1. 2.

  • 2018. May 11.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow, gave a lecture on the siege of Kanizsa in 1601, during the roving conference in Egervár organised by the Castrum Bene organisation between 11-13 May 2018. In his lecture, he presented the results of his studies based on the Italian (from Mantua, Modena and the Vatican) sources which him and Márton Szovák examined.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3.

  • 2018. May 18.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture on the Hungarian M5 TV channel at the show Mindenki Akadémiája ("Everyone's Academy") on 18 May 2018. In his lecture, he talked about the political aspects of Péter Pázmány's appointment to archbishop of Esztergom and the diplomatic sources he studied in the Vatican Secret Archives.

  • 2018. May 18.

    The Fraknói Research Group held it's third workshop on 18 May 2018, where the new book Regesta Supplicationum was presented by the author, Bálint Lakatos. The book consists the supplications related to Hungarian cases which were sent to the Pope between 1522–1523.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, welcomed the audience, and he praised the volume's achievements and named it as a starting point for future research towards processing the Hungarian related supplications in the Vatican Secret Archives..

    Bálint Lakatos, author of the book, introduced his research and the methodology he used to organise and process the overwhelming number of documents he faced. He pointed out that it will be necessary in the future to include more researchers in the subject, due to the sheer number of the sources.

  • 2018. May 25.

    The presentation of the „Publikationen der Ungarischen Gesichtsforschung in Wien” (PUGW) series took place on the 25th May 2018 in the Council-chamber of the MTA BTK TTI (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History). The PUGW is the alter idem of the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae series that started in 2004, five years earlier than this series.

    The presentation of the fifteen volumes which were published under the series started with Pál Fodor's (director of MTA BTK) speech, in which he praised the effort of publishing the Hungarian historical accomplishments for foreign readers.

    István Fazekas, associate professor at ELTE BTK, explained the motives and the goal of the series, which delivered it's first volume in 2009. Similar to the Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae, which started in 2004 by Péter Tusor and contributes to the Hungarian research in the Vatican, the series is responsible for the supporting and publishing of projects and results related to Hungarian research in Vienna. The typographical similarities between the two series are obvious, and the first, third and fourth volume were made by the same editorship. In addition, the eighth volume was made with the support of the Lendület-programme, and it contains Vatican-related material as well.

    Csaba Szabó, director of MNL (Hungarian States Archives) praised the series for giving an opportunity to young researchers to publish their first foreign language publications. He also had high hopes towards the idea of the cultural policy supporting these projects.

    Iván Bertényi Jr, director of the Hungarian Historical Institute of Vienna, talked about the upcoming volumes within the series and the challenges which come from the distribution of the issues.

    The series and all it's volumes can be accessed through the webpage of the MTA BTK TTI here.

    Pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  • 2018. June 8.

    Újkor.hu, a cooperating partner of the Fraknói Research Group, presented it's new book "Történészek története" ("History of historians") on 8 June 2018. It contains interviews with Hungarian historians, among them with Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group.

    The authors of the book, Kinga Szőts-Rajkó, Zoltán Oszkár Szőcs and Dóra Czeferner talked about their experiences related to the interviews, and the heading called "Portrait" at the website Újkor.hu which is the platform where the interviews first appeared. One of their goals was to ask questions in the interviews which could help students and young historians in their way of research and to learn methodology from experienced historians.

    Pictures 1. 2.

  • 2018. June 8.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture at The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, at the international conference Reforms, Institutions, Customs –Conflicts over the Course of History which was held between 7–8 June 2018. In his lecture, he enlightened the circumstances of the murder of György Fráter (Georgius Martinuzzi), and the following enquiry at the Holy See. (The article is available here.)

    Pictures: 1. 2. 3. 4.5.

  • 2018. June 15.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, gave an interview on the Vatican Radio about Bálint Lakatos' new book Regesta Supplicationum

    The interview can be accessed here.


  • 2018. July 23.

    S.I. Ferenc P. Szabó gave an interview on the Vatican Radio due to the launch of his new book, and he also gave his remarks on some of the achievements found in the volume of our research group, Pázmány, the Jesuit Prelate.

    The interview can be accessed here.

  • 2018. July 24.

    Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture on the Hungarian M5 TV channel at the show Mindenki Akadémiája ("Everyone's Academy") about the fight of the late medieval Hungary against the Ottoman Empire.

  • 2018. August 7.

    The fourth Fraknói Summer Academy was organized in Vasvár and Szombathely between 2–5 August 2018 with scientific lectures concerning church history.

    On the first day, the participants were welcomed by Péter Tusor, Máté Gárdonyi and Viktor Kanász, curators of the summer academy, and Balázs Zágorhidi Czigány, director of the local Historical Collection of the Dominican Order in Vasvár. Kornél Szovák gave his lecture about the formulary book of Esztergom.

    On the second day, more lectures followed. The full programme can be viewed in the links.

    The summer academy was sponsored by the Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

  • 2018. August 21.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, gave an interview on the Hungarian Catholic Radio about the works of the research group.

    The interview can be accessed here.

  • 2018. September 6.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture titled "Episcopal processes related to Veszprém in the Vatican Archives" on 6 September 2018 in Veszprém at the conference "Gaining strength and resumption – the Diocese of Veszprém in the 17th century". External member of the research group,  Máté Gárdonyi played a role at the conference being a section moderator as well.

    Pictures: 1. 2. 3.


  • 2018. September 10.

    The Diary of Kelemen Király OFM (1944–1947) was published and presented in Budapest and Csongrád on 10 September and 9 October 2018.

    The editor of the new book was György Sági, external member of the Fraknói Research Group. Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, and Mons. József Török, senior research fellow, gave an insight to the origins and circumstances of the creation of the diary. The diary was first published in Cleveland 44 years ago, the current edition has an additional index and footnotes.

    Pictures from the first event: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    Pictures from the second event: 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • 2018. September 28.

    International Symposium (The Agents of foreign Communities and European-American States in Rome) was organized in Budapest from 27 to 28 September by the Fraknói Research Group and the University of Tuscia DISUCOM (Viterbo). Lectures at the symposium discussed the questions related to the agents who had represented their local church's affairs at the Holy See in the early modern period.

    Poster: 1. 2.


  • 2018. October 9.

    Several of our research group's members gave lectures at the conference "György Thúry Memorial Conference" in Nagykanizsa on 9 October 2018.

    Tamás Kruppa, senior research fellow of the research group, presented the details he discovered in the Vatican Archives about the unsuccessful siege of Kanizsa in 1601, specifically the actions of the mercenary army of Francesco Aldobrandini.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow, gave insight into the 16th century town of Kanizsa, and he analysed the relations between the confessions and their development at the area.

    Márton Szovák gave a lecture about the contents of a newly discovered source, the military strategy plan of Federico Ghislieri, which he made after the unsuccessful siege of Kanizsa in 1601.

  • 2018. October 15.

    Paul Shore, adjunct professor of the University of Regina in Canada, gave a lecture on 15 October 2018 at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. The event was organised by the Fraknói Research Group.

    In his lecture "Two Hungarian Jesuits and the Qur'an: Understanding, Misunderstanding, and Polemic", he presented the roles of two Hungarian jesuits, namely István Szántó and Péter Pázmány, in the religious debate between catholicism and islam.

  • 2018. October 17.

    The Fraknói Research Group organised the presentation of two books about the history archdiocese of Veszprém on 17 October 2018  at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Gábor Nemes, research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, and Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow also wrote studies in one of the books. These studies can be accessed here and here.

    Full details of the books:

    „Püspök urat is őrizetbe veszem.” Források a veszprémi egyházmegye háborús veszteségeiről II. (szerk.: Varga Tibor László). Veszprém, 2018. (A veszprémi egyházmegye múltjából 31.)

    Folytonosság és változás. Egyházszervezet és hitélet a veszprémi püspökség területén a 16–17. században (szerk.: Karlinszky Balázs – Varga Tibor László). Veszprém, 2018. (A veszprémi egyházmegye múltjából 32.)

  • 2018. October 31.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group participated at the closing event of the "Reformation MNL" project at the National Archives of Hungary. He presented the new book of the project [„...mi úgymond mennyei polgárok vagyunk” - Válogatás a magyarországi protestantizmus történeti emlékeiből a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltárban (ed. Eleonóra Kovács). Budapest, 2018.], and also related it's content to the confessionalitation theory of Wolfgang Reinhard.

    Pictures: 1. 2. 3.

  • 2018. November 7.

    Máté Gárdonyi, external member of the Fraknói Research Group, and Krisztina Tóth, research fellow, gave lectures at the conference "Self Identity, Role and Activity in the Ecclesiastical Society from the 18th to the 20th century" between 8–10 November 2018 in Nagyvárad.

    Máté Gárdonyi discussed the two sides of Pope Paul VI in his lecture "The Office of Peter and the Personal Habit. The Papacy of Paul VI." Krisztina Tóth gave a lecture about archbishop József Grősz' pastoral strategies, and also the limits and boundaries of his opportunities.

    Pictures: 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • 2018. November 9.

    Our research group presented it's latest volume "Formularium Ecclesiae Strigoniensis" in Rome on 7 November 2018.

    Editors of the book were cardinal Péter Erdő, Kornél Szovák and Péter Tusor. Contributors were Gábor Sarbak, Gyula Mayer, Terézia Horváth (assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group), Ádám Porubszky (assistant research fellow), Viktor Kanász (asssitant research fellow), Krisztina Tóth (research fellow), Ágnes Gátas-Palotai (assistant research fellow), Szilvia Somogyi, and the MTA-ELTE-PPKE Research Centre for Ancient Studies.

    The volume publishes two codices, the Beneéthy and the Nyásy-codex, which can be considered as the representations of the synthesis of the late Middle Ages ecclesiastical law. More information about the volume and parts of the book can be accessed here.

  • 2018. November 15.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture at the conference "The Science is for Everyone – Conference on the Scientific Communication" organised in Debrecen between 13-14 November 2018.

    The conference discussed the questions such as how to make a study more appealing towards the audience, how to grab their attention, what makes a topic interesting, and how to keep the professionality of a lecture or study when it is meant for a wider audience group. Related to this, Viktor Kanász presented the social and science communication activities of the Fraknói Research Group in his lecture "From Vilmos Fraknói to Instagram – Church History and Science Propagation".

  • 2018. November 16.

    For the 575 year anniversary of the birth of Matthias Corvinus, the conference "Matthias Corvinus and the Church" was organised on 15 November 2018 in Pécs. The lectures explained the issues about the clerics in the time of Matthias Corvinus, the ecclesiastical society and the structure of the Church and its development in the era.

    Péter Tusor, Tamás Fedeles and Terézia Horváth, members of our research group gave lectures.

  • 2018. December 13.

    Not long after the event in Rome, the research group presented it's newest volume at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 13 December 2018.

    The "Formularium Ecclesiae Strigoniensis" publishes two codices from the early 16th century, the Beneéthy and the Nyásy-codex, one of the most important ecclesiastical law handbooks of the era from the Archidiocese of Esztergom.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, welcomed the audience and gave an insight to the process and circumstances which were necessary for the volume to be published, such as the Church History Research Group established by cardinal Péter Erdő in 1999.

    László Solymosi, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, praised the volume and gave details about the formulary books in Hungary.

    Norbert C. Tóth, senior research fellow of the Hungarian Medieval Research Group (MTA-HIM-SZTE-MOL) stated that the formulary is a lot more than it would first seem to us, due to the fact that it consists not just texts related to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Esztergom, but private material of archbishop Tamás Bakóc as well. He also described the scale of the work done by Kornél Szovák enormous.

    Cardinal Péter Erdő discussed the relations of the book with the canon law. He also tried to answer the question what was the reason behind the creation of the second variant of the already usable Beneéthy-codex in Esztergom.

    Finally, Kornél Szovák explained the process and methodology he used for the work, and also raised the question about the theoretical quantity of sources which remained from the Middle Ages for the present day. Pál Engel previously stated that approximately 2% of the original number of documents remained to us, but this new formulary could bring up the assumption that this could be even lower (1 or even 0,5%), claimed Szovák.

  • 2019. January 3.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave an interview on Hungarian M1 TV channel about the history of Epiphany feast day. He also mentioned that Pope Gregory XV. established the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide on 6 January 1622, day of Epiphany.

  • 2019. January 9.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture at the international conference "Monarchy and Modernity since 1500", organised by the University of Cambridge.

    Péter Tusor contributed by chairing the panel "Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century", and he also gave a lecture titled "Apostolic Rights of a Catholic Monarch? The Hungarian Royal Patronage and Supremacy (1417–1918)". The script of his lecture can be accessed here.

  • 2019. January 16.

    The Fraknói Research Group organised the presentation of the book "La santa impresa. Le crociate del papa in Ungheria (1595-1601)" by Giampiero Brunelli on 16 January 2019.

    In his introduction, Giampiero Brunelli mentioned the phenomenon what Hungary meant in the end of the 16th century for Europe. He pointed out that the pope and the leaders of the time all realised that the border of Europe goes through Hungary, and all of their military campaigns to protect the culture of Christianity necessarily focused on Hungary as well.

    The author was followed by Tamás Kruppa, senior research fellow of the research group. He praised the book and he stated that this volume counts as a big step towards the research of the era, and previous historians haven't payed enough attention towards the military politics of the Holy See.

    Márton Szovák correlated his findings from Italian archives through the Vestigia-project with the new volume, reviewing the letters of Ercole Torbidi.

    In his closing words Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, underlined the importance of the foreign scientific results concerning Hungarian history, and he also stated it's crucial that the research group contributes greatly in this matter.

  • 2019. February 1.

    Nemes Gábor, research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, organised a wreath laying and commemoration on 1 February 2019, the 80th death anniversary of Vince Bedy, prebendal provost of Győr and church historian.

  • 2019. February 5.

    A new volume of Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum has been published: „Jusztinián Serédi, the Prince Primate of Hungary” by Balázs Csíky. More information about the book and parts of the volume can be accessed here.

    Balázs Csíky departed young, and his career only couldn't achieve it's peak because of the short time which was given for him. He was a member of our previous "Lendület-project", and after his death in 2016, Krisztina Tóth, research fellow, finished his script about Jusztinián Serédi.

  • 2019. February 15.

    Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, gave a lecture at the "XVI. János Szentágothai Multidisciplinary Conference and Student Competition" on 15 February 2019 in Pécs. The title of her lecture was "The Personnel of the Vasvár Chapter during the Reign of King Matthias".

    She took first place in her section by the rating of the jury.

  • 2019. February 15.

    Two members of the Fraknói Research Group participated at the international conference "Church and Society in Late Medieval Transylvania (14th–16th Centuries)" in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) on 15 February 2019.

    Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the research group, in his lecture titled "The Transylvanian Diocese and the Apostolic Chamber during the Reign of King Sigismund of Luxembourg" (read by Viktor Kanász) gave insight into three important segments of the relation between the Diocese and the Apostolic Chamber: the various taxes, the ad limina visitations and the ordainments of the Curia.

    Viktor Kanász, assistant research fellow of the research group, also gave his own lecture "The Sources on the Process of György Fráter’s Murder in the Vatican Archives", in which he analysed the documents and sources about the murder of Georgius Martinuzzi, and the enquiry initiated at the Holy See, specifically the confession of Miklós Oláh, primate of Hungary.

    At the end of the conference, one of the research group's volumes, Regesta Supplicationum 1522–1523, got presented to the audience.

  • 2019. March 5.

    It's been a long awaited announcement what happened now, namely that the access of Vatican Secret Archives' sources about the papacy of Pius XII (1939–1958) will open to researchers from 2 March 2020.

    Leader of the Fraknói Research Group, Péter Tusor gave an interview to Vatican Radio, where he stated it is not expected from a scientific point of view that the image of Pius XII will change considerably regarding his actions during World War II. The documents which serve the most crucial informations about this matter have already been open for researchers with a special permit. In fact, a research group (with the participation of Pierre Blet, Robert A. Graham, Angelo Martini and Burkhart Schneider) between 1965–1981 already launched a series of 11 volumes, in which they published and analysed the most important documents (Les Actes et documents du Saint-Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, it can be accessed here).

    Despite this the opening of the archives' files is a welcomed act among historians, including Hungarian scholars, because some questions could be clarified and a much boarder context could be given about the archbishop appointment of József Mindszenty and his later arrest, the stand of the Vatican during the Hungarian revolution of 1956 and the ecclesiastical governing of the territories which reunited with Hungary between 1938–1940. It is also a possibility that new details will be found on the expulsion of Apostolic Papal Nuncio Angelo Rotta in 1945 and the questions about the restoration of diplomatic relations between Hungary and the Holy See during the creation of the communist regime.

    Since the mission and goal of our research group is the uncovering of Vatican sources on Hungarian matters, we look forward to the research which will follow.

  • 2019. March 8.

    The international historian community of Rome could finally get to meet with the new monumental volumes "Incorrupta monumenta Ecclesiam defendunt" (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani 106107108109.) on 8 May 2019 at the Istituto Patristico Augustinianum in Rome. On the occasion of S.E.R. Sergio Pagano's (bishop-prefect of the Vatican Secret Archives) 70th birthday, the four new volumes got published, and they contain 206 studies on almost 3600 pages. The studies are organised thematically, and they were written by historians all around the world. Our research group contributed with three papers to this monumental work.

    Péter Tusor: A Hungarian Bishop Before the Sacred Consistorial Congregation, 1911-1913 (With the Edition of the Hungarian “Reports about Modernism)

    Tamás Fedeles: Ecclesiastical Career of the Apostolic Collector Petrus de Monasterio

    Tamás Kruppa: Franciscans or Jesuits: Attempts to Resurrect Catholicism in Transylvania (1589-1592)

    Full details of the mentioned book:

    Incorrupta monumenta ecclesiam defendunt. Studi offerti a mons. Sergio Pagano, prefetto dell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano I–IV (Collectanea Archivi Vaticani 106–109), a cura di Andreas Gottsmann – Pierantonio Piatti – Andreas E. Rehberg, Città del Vaticano 2018.

    vol. I. La Chiesa nella storia. Religione, cultura, costume (tom. 1–2), pp. XLVI, 1747. 

    vol. II. Archivi, Archivistica, Diplomatica, Paleografia, pp. XVIII, 938.

    vol. III. Inquisizione romana, Indice, Diplomazia pontificia, pp. XVIII, 704.

    vol. IV. Indice generale, pp. XVIII, 339.

  • 2019. March 21.

    The Fraknói Research Group represented itself by several members at the conference The Effects of the Hungarian Soviet Republic on the Catholic Dioceses held in Veszprém on 21 March 2019.

    Research fellow Krisztina Tóth analysed a memorandum about the organisation of the military chaplaincy written by István Zadravecz OFM in 1919, which was written for the request of Miklós Horthy.

    External member Mátyás Varga gave a lecture on the relations of the parishioners and priests towards the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919 through the Historia Domus documents of the parishes in the Diocese of Székesfehérvár.

    External member Máté Gárdonyi contributed to the conference by chairing the third section.

  • 2019. March 22.

    The Università di Sapienza in Rome organised a conference (Italian Peninsula and Central-Eastern Europe between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. Economy, Society, Culture) between 21–22 March 2019.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group, and Tamás Fedeles, senior member, held presentations.

    Péter Tusor: "Il modo de Restaurare la religione in Ungheria". Italian Plan for the Spreading of the Catholicism of Trento in Hungary

    Tamás Fedeles: Hungarian candidates ordained in the Roman Curia during the Late Mediaeval Period

    The lectures will be published in an upcoming volume. Contributing to the project coordinated by Prof. Andrea Fara is an important task for our research group.

  • 2019. April 3.

    The newly published book "Serédi Jusztinián, Magyarország hercegprímása" ("Justinian Serédi, the Prince Primate of Hungary") was presented to the public on 3 April 2019 at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest. The book presentation, which also served as a memorial for Balázs Csíky, author of the volume, was organised by the Fraknói Research Group. The volume fits into the research group's series Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum, and Magyar Történelmi Emlékek. Értekezések, which belong to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

    Balázs Csíky (1978–†2016) related to our research group (previously called as the HAS-PPCU ‘Impetus’ Church History Research Institute) from 2015 as research fellow, and contributed with the research he was doing at the Vatican Archives on Angelo Rotta, papal nuncio, and Jusztinián Serédi, prince primate of Hungary. He aimed and worked to publish his PhD thesis (which he successfully defended in 2010 and received the degree summa cum laude), but due to his early death in 2016, it was Krisztina Tóth, his colleague in the research group, who concluded his manuscript and took the role of editorship.

    The subject of Csíky's thesis and freshly published book is Jusztinián Serédi, primate of Hungary during 1927–1945. The volume gives not just a comprehensive image on the life and career of Serédi, but presents new data from the rich source material available in the Vatican Archives.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the research group, described the strong cooperative relations between the author Csíky Balázs and the 'Impetus' Church History Institute. Rev. Máté Gárdonyi, external member of the research group, gave insight to the new scientific results uncovered by the book, and praised the framework of synthesis which he remarked as deliberate. Bernadett Diera and Eszter Gyóni, doctoral schoolmates of the author and Margit Balogh, doctoral supervisor of Balázs Csíky commemorated on Csíky with personal stories along with their thoughts on the volume.

    Krisztina Tóth, editor of the book and research fellow of the research group, gave closing words and expressed his acknowledgment and gratitude to the great number of people who supported her in the editorial work, especially to the family of Csíki.

    The event was followed by an agape.

  • 2019. April 6.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group participated as jury at the 'Count István Koháry History County Competition' organised by the Piarist Grammar School in Kecskemét on 6 April 2019. More than a hundred students enrolled in the competition, which celebrated it's 25th anniversary this year.

    Count István Koháry played a major role in 17–18th century Hungary as a poet and politician, and he was also the founder of the Piarist school in Kecskemét (CVBioTexts).





  • 2019. April 20.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview at M1 TV Channel on Holy Saturday about the historical symbolism of the Notre-Dame fire. The interview was also featured on Kossuth Rádió.

  • 2019. May 7.

    A book presentation was organised at the University of Pécs on 7 May 2019. The newly published book (edited by Tamás Fedeles, senior research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group) was presented by Norbert C. Tóth, and it contains the full studies of the lectures from the conference „King Mathias and the Church”, which has been organised last year with the contribution of the Fraknói Research Group. The book is also the tenth volume in the series Thesaurus Historiae Ecclesiasticae in Universitate Quinqueecclesiensi.
    Just as on the conference, you can find studies in the compilation from several of our research group’s members: Péter Tusor, leader of the research group wrote about the Hungarian cardinal protectorate from the Hunyadi and Jagelló era; Tamás Fedeles on the Hungarian diplomats in the Holy See; and Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow on the provosts of the collegiate chapter in Vasvár during the Hunyadi era.

    In addition, two interesting projects were introduced at the event: the MTA–PTE–ELTE Hungarian Medieval Ecclesiastical Archontology Research Group 1000–1387 (leader: Márta Font); and the Diplomata Hungariae Antiquissima II. project (leader: Kornél Szovák).

  • 2019. May 16.

    A conference was organised on 16 May 2019 in Vasvár, the place where the Fraknói Summer Academy have taken place last summer. On the occasion of the 800th year anniversary of the Vasvár collegiate's deed – which first mentions the surrounding settlements and originates from 1217 – the members of the current chapter were also present at the event.

    Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group held a lecture on the conditions of the Vasvár collegiate institutional origins and gave insight into the early history of the office. She also examined the members of the collegiate from the 13th century and its activity as a place of document authentication.

    Balázs Tangl talked about the history of the collection kept in the chapter's archives, and Zsombor Györffy-Villám presented the current results of the archaeological excavations, which have been taken place at the locations of the chapter-church two years ago.

    The book Vasvári káptalan – Vasi települések. 1217–2017 (Chapter of Vasvár – Settlements of the county Vas. 1217–2017) was presented and praised by Miklós Melega.


  • 2019. May 23.

    On the day of 23 May 2019 arrived the 401st year anniversary of the Thirty Years' War's (1618–1648) outbreak, the famous Second Defenestration of Prague. Thus it's no coincidence that the newest volume prepared in international research cooperation of the Fraknói Research Group got published on this very day, and it certainly pays off an old debt of the Hungarian and universal historiography (“Negozio del S.r Card. Pasman”. Péter Pázmány’s Imperial Embassage to Rome in 1632. (With Unpublished Vatican Documents) (CVH II/7), written and edited by Rotraud Becker, Péter Tusor, Budapest–Rome 2019.).

    The tumultuous embassage of Péter Pázmány, cardinal of Hungary in 1632 is not just an important chapter regarding Hungarian-, church- and diplomatic history, but also an accentuated event to history of the papacy and the Thirty Years' War. It's modern and thorough investigation was also urged decades ago by the renowned expert of the era, George Lutz. The research has relied upon the documents of Pázmány’s embassage published in the 19th and 20th century (especially the documents written by Pázmány and partly the ones addressed to him); on the correspondence of the papal Secretariat of State and the nunciature of Vienna published by Rotraud Becker in 2013; on the verbals of the Secretariat of State published in this volume (about the papal audiences, the negotiations of Pázmány with Secretary of State Lorenzo Azzolini); on the discorsos and on the supplemental documents exploited in the Primatial Archives of Esztergom. During reading and analyzation, the historical atmosphere becomes real through the sources: more than 400 years later, the papal audiences and the negotiations with Secretary of State Azzolini evolve in front of the reader's eyes, and also a new, special perspective opens up due to the use of sources from the Vatican.

    This closed side-project is the newest result of the Pázmány-research in the Vatican from the Fraknói Research Group (cf. CVH I/3, CVH I/13, CVH II/6), which has it's seat at the Pázmány Catholich University in Hungary.

    The volume is in English, Chapter I–II can also be read in Hungarian; the sources were written in Italian as well as in Latin, of which usage is helped by their abstracts written in English and Hungarian. The English parts were translated by Ágnes Gátas-Palotai; while Rotraud Becker’s chapter (Chapter I) written in German was translated by András Forgó into Hungarian. The volume can be accessed here.

  • 2019. May 27.

    After the presentation organised by the Fraknói Research Group in Budapest (January 2019), the new book of Giampiero Brunelli, professor of Universitá Telematica San Raffaele, was presented in Rome, 27 May in the conference hall of the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea. The book is discussing the role of the papacy in the Long Turkish War in Hungary (1593–1606). The new volume was praised by Vincenzo Lavenia, associate professor of the University of Bologna, researcher of Italian church history in the early modern period, and Maria Antonietta Visceglia, professor of the Sapienzia University, researcher of Rome in the early modern period and the history of the pre-modern papacy. They emphasized that the book – which was based on a long and thorough archival research process – covers the history of the three campaigns during the war in a complex yet readable way. Pope Clement VIII, promoter of the campaigns, named the expulsion of Ottoman forces his most important duty, which his motto ("marciare verso Constantinopoli") reflects clearly.

    The significance of the presentation to the Hungarian science community is based on the fact that Brunelli's work deals with a specifically Hungarian subject.

  • 2019. May 23.

    The 6th National Meeting of Church Historians was organised on 23 May 2019, where researchers and academics held a professional forum. The event was held in Nyíregyháza at the Saint Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological College, and the main organizer was Tamás Véghseő, rector of the institute and leader of the MTA–SzAGKHF Lendület Greek Catholic Research Group. Máté Gárdonyi, external associate of the Fraknói Research Group and professor of church history at PPKE HTK was the chairman of the meeting.

    The conference consisted of three sections: the first one was about roman catholic subjects, the other two on greek catholic topics. In the first section, the questions of religion, nationality and identity were discussed from ethnographic and cultural perspectives through the examples of the Moldavian catholic communities and the settlement of Diósberény. The next section covered the awakening of national identity, and the relation between liturgy and multiethnicity in the 19th century, and provided a picture of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo (Munkács) during the 1848–1849 war of independence in Hungary. Finally, the last section was about the problematics of the 20th century in the Eparchy of Munkács and Eparchy of Hajdúdorog, mainly the questions of nationality, language use, the autonomy of the Rusyns and the Romanian-Hungarian relations.

  • 2019. May 16.

    Demeter Naprághy, Archbishop of Kalocsa (1608–1619) and bishop of Győr (1607–1619) was remembered at the conference "Labore et patientia", which was devoted to him in Győr, 16 May 2019 for the 400th anniversary of his death. The Archives of the Diocese of Győr, The Treasury and Library of the Diocese of Győr and the Fraknói Research Group organized the event with Gábor Nemes, research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group.

    Dr András Veress, bishop of Győr, and László Rózsavölgyi, representative of the city of Győr greeted the audience and praised the event. They also emphasized that importance of Naprághy's legacy. After that, the first section started under the chairmanship of Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group. Tamás Kruppa, research fellow of the Research Group gave a lecture on the activity of the humanist bishop in Transylvania.

    The agenda of the conference and the list of the many other lectures can be accessed here.

  • 2019. June 2.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview at M1 TV Channel on 1 June 2019 about the historical aspects of the journey of Pope Francis in Transylvania. The live interview can be accessed here.

  • 2019. June 14.

    Assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group, Viktor Kanász held a lecture at the doctoral conference Közvetítő rendszerek, médiumok és hatalomgyakorlás a kora újkori Európában (Intermediary Systems, Mediums and Exercise of Power in Early Modern Europe) at ELTE Szekfű Gyula Library on 5 June 2019. In his lecture (An Example of the Information Flow in an Early Modern Episcopate: Miklós Oláh's Testimony on György Fráter) he examined the connection between Miklós Oláh and György Fráter, how Oláh remembered the murdered cardinal in his testimony and what channels he gained information about his predecessor.

    A week later on 14 June 2019, another conference (Conference of Doctoral Students in Medieval Studies) was organised at ELTE, where Terézia Horváth, assistant research fellow of the Fraknói Research Group held lecture on the institution of the collegiate in Vasvár. She presented the two sources which provide information about the institution, and she gave a hypothesis that the establishment is related to a certain bishop of Győr from the 12th century.

    On the second day of the conference Viktor Kanász gave another lecture about the testament and Italian pilgrimage of László Kanizsai. In his lecture, he presented the sources on the pilgrimage and the previously unknown testament which preceded the journey.

    Programme of the first conference

    Programme of the second conference

  • 2019. June 17.

    Péter Tusor, leader of the Fraknói Research Group gave an interview at the Vatican Radio. He presented his newest volume (“Negozio del S.r Card. Pasman”. Péter Pázmány’s Imperial Embassage to Rome in 1632 (With Unpublished Vatican Documents) (CVH II/7), written and edited by Rotraud Becker, Péter Tusor, Budapest–Rome 2019.), which covers cardinal Péter Pázmány's  imperial embassage to Rome in 1632 and it's diplomatic background.

    The book contains lots of sources, and it's bilingual. It's available online here.

  • 2019. June 26.

    Two members of the Fraknói Research Group recently gave interviews for the Vatican Radio. While Tamás Fedeles spoke about the conference Italian Peninsula and Central-Eastern Europe between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. Economy, Society, Culture, Péter Tusor presented the newest volume of the Fraknói Group, which was made under international cooperation. The book about the cardinal protectors discusses subjects from several symposiums in Rome and Viterbo.

  • 2019. August 4.

    The fifth Fraknói Summer Academy was organized in Eger between 1–4 August 2019. Participants attended lectures on church history. Curators of the event were Péter Tusor and rev. Máté Gárdonyi, the director and organizer was Viktor Kanász.

    On the first day the attendants were welcomed by the curators and the director. István Bitskey gave his lecture about the city of Eger in the 16th century. Thereafter he participated on a panel discussion about his scientific career.

    On the second day of the Summer Academy, the latest results of the church history of Hungary were presented. The lectures included various presentation regarding the history of Archdiocese of Eger. The lecture was held by István Fazekas, Tamás Véghseő, Béla Vilmos Mihalik, Attila Verók. Furthermore Tamás Fedeles and Norbert C. Tóth presented György Domokos’s newest book. In the afternoon session of the academy program many more presentation were held in the topic by György Sági, Gábor Nemes, Xénia Jonica, Viktor Kanász and Róbert Oláh.

    On Saturday the attendants visited the archbishop’s library. After the cultural program those present went hiking to the nearest hill, Nagy-Eged. To close the evening the director of Summer Academy, Viktor Kanász held a quiz on church history.

    On the last day participants visited archbishop’s archives, and finally as usual those present participated a mass in the basilica of Eger.

  • 2019. September 12.

    Since the 16th of September under the organisation of Fraknói Research Group a permanent fellow worker position have been established in the Secret Archives of Vatican who also have access to research in the Apostolic Library of Vatican as well as to other Congregations’ archives nevertheless to the central archives of religious orders’ (thanks to external institutions financial contribution.)
    Due to this residency more efficient work is foreseen which will be coordinated by Kornél Szovák and Péter Tusor. Therefore the organizers expect from the permanent fellow worker in Rome to help a wider range of hungarian researchers.
    Obviously this new position is another step forward in the life of Research Group to reach the main purpose, namely a Hungarian Historical Institute in Rome.



  • 2019. September 25.

    Since 2015 under the organisation of ’HAS–PPCU Lendület Research Group’ Fraknói Summer Academy have been existing. After 2017 the organizer institution of the Summer Academy has changed to ’HAS-PPCU Vilmos Fraknói Historical Research Group’. The Summer Academy’s main goal has always been to integrate the academic projects with the professional researching.

    In order to integrate more efficiently a new sub-series has been launched by Fraknói Research Group therefore publishing the latest results that are presented in the Summer Academy. The new subseries named ’Lectures on Fraknói Summer Academy’. In the first part Bitskey István’s lecture has been published named as ’Bishops in the border castle’.

  • 2019. September 27.

    Last year Fraknói Research Group held an international conference in Budapest entitled ’The Agents of Foreign Communities and European-American States in Rome’. The conference focused on agents between 15th-18th centuries. This year the second part of the conference which payed attention to the 19th and 20th centuries was hold in Rome in the headquarters of the Istituto di Studi Romani. The event powered by Università della Tuscia DISUCOM, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, the roman Centro Studi Emigrazione as well as MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group.
    As a pursuance of the main thesis the role of the foreign agents in Rome was analogue in the 19th and 20th centuries as in earlier times.
    For the international conference lecturer came from Italy, Austria and Hungary too, namely Alessandro Boccolini, Andreas Gottsmann, Oliver Panichi, Matteo Sanfilippo, Gaetano Platania, Francesca de Carpio, Krisztina Tóth, Balázs Rétfalvi and Péter Tusor.
    Every lecture will be available until the end of October on the Researcher Group’s Youtube channel.
    According to plans the lectures will be published as a volume of studies editing by Matteo Sanfilippo and Péter Tusor.


  • 2019. October 9.

    Fraknói Research Group held the 4th workshop on 9th of october 2019. The main goal of the occasion is to integrate the professional researching with the university education. This time Péter Tusor - leader of the Research Group - presented his common result with Rotraud Becker from Regensburg. Their latest work about Cardinal Péter Pázmány diplomatic route to Rome in 1632. 
    The presentation based on Rotraud Becker and Péter Tusor newest book which shows the baroque diplomatic life inside of the papal court. The authors used several unpublished source to their new book.
    The english part is translated by Ágnes Gátas-Palotai and the german part is translated by András Forgó.
    The lecture will be available until the end of October on the Researcher Group’s Youtube channel.

    “Negozio del Ss.r Card. Pasman”. Péter Pázmány’s Imperial Embassage to Rome in 1632 (With Unpublished Vatican Documents) (Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae II/7), written and edited by Rotraud Becker, Péter Tusor, Budapest–Rome 2019. pp. 482. + 3 suppl. (2x2 pictures, 4 facsimilia) Digital supplements: http://institutumfraknoi.hu/en/repositorium/pazman_rome_1632  

    Az előadás ppt-je
    Videó (előkészületben)

  • 2019. November 16.

    The Archontology of Chapter of Győr 1200–1458 was published in Győr by the Ecclesiastical Archives of Győr. The new book was presented on 16th November 2019 within the compass of the yearly Book Fair of Győr. 
    The authors of the new book were Norbert C. Tóth research fellow of MTA-HIM-SZTE-MNL OL Magyar Medievisztikai Kutatócsoport and Terézia Horváth research fellow of MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group. By reason of the new book Gábor Nemes research fellow of MTA-PPKE Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group was talking with authors about the co-working and the importance of archontologies. 

  • 2019. November 14.


    Olivier Poncet, professor and director of the Parisian École Nationale des Chartes held two lectures on 14th and 15th of November 2019 at Péter Pázmány Catholic University. The events were organized by Fraknói Research Group. The purpose of the events were to present the Vatican historical researching for the university students. From another aspect to cooperate with several international scholarly institutes. (In this case: École francaise de Rome )

    On the first day professor Poncet gave a lecture entitled ‘France and gallicanism: a peculiar way for the relations between Church and State in early modern Europe?’. During the lecture Olivier Poncet divided into periods the occurrences of gallicanism. As well as he introduced the conflicts between the French kings and popes.

    On the second day professor Poncet gave another lecture in historiography topic. His lecture entitled ‘A century in the Pope’s archives: what now? French research on pontifical Roman sources, 19th-21st century’. After it during the remarks session audience asked the professor about his researching and projects.

  • 2019. November 25.

    On 21st November 2019 Fraknói Research Group and Universitá della Tuscia DISUCOM presented they newly joint volume of studies in Rome namely Gli „angeli custodi”delle monarchia. I cardinali protettori delle nazioni. Professor Matteo Sanfilippo and Péter Tusor were the editors of the book which was published by Edizioni Sette Cittá. The aim of this volume is to introduce the institution and functions of cardinal protectors from the beginning until 18th century. 
    The event was held in Pontificia Universita Santa Croce’s great hall (Aula Benedetto XVI) where numerous inquiring was listening to Prof. Roberto Regoli’s Rev. Prof. Johannes Grohe’s Prof. Irene Fosi’s Prof. Gaetano Platania’s and Cardinal Péter Erdő’s lectures and comments on new volume.


  • 2019. October 31.

    Thanks to the Research Group’s permanent fellow worker in Rome our website will be always up to date about scientific events in Rome. From November 2019 follow our „Events” heading where we give news about book presentations, conferences, exhibitions, etc. 

    Our purpose is to inform our collegues and followers about international scientific life and events.

  • 2019. November 29.

    Publikationen der Ungarischen Geschichtsforschung in Wien (PUGiW) newly published book was presented in Vienna on 26 November 2019. The new volume of PUGiW namely Nicolaus Olahus 450 edited by Rita Emőke Szilágyi.

    The book presentation was organised at the Collegium Hungaricum in Vienna where the editor and Christian Gastgaber (Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) were presented the new volume. The aim of this book is to introduce Miklós Oláh’s life and main results of his activity as prelate of Hungary.

    Viktor Kanász (Research fellow of Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group) also took part in the new volume with a paper named as Miklós Oláh’s Testimony Given during the Investigation of the Murder of György Fráter.

    PUGiW’s ('alter idem' of Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae series) initiators were Péter Tusor and István Fazekas in 2009.


