TUSOR PÉTER: Monumenta és Collectanea. Magyar történeti kutatások a Vatikánban (1881–2021) (CVH I/20), Budapest–Róma 2022. (20 p. + 248 p.)
This volume is an enlarged version of CVH/1's prologue from 2004. The volume presents the Hungarian historical researches at the Vatican's archives from the beginnings until nowadays (1881-2021). Péter Tusor's monograph describes point by point different periods of the mentioned above era.
The monograph diagnoses the Roman Hungarian scientific presence' significant problems compared with other Western Europeans' projects and institutes. With this the volume presents the continuous Hungarian research projects' restart.
Perhaps this work can bridge from the beginnings until now the discontinuity of Roman Hungarian projects' histories.
Appendix contains Roman and Vatican documents' lists and selected unpublished sources which are the base of the narrative.
Apart from the Appendix a Bibliography (193-208) an Index (211-218) and an English study (219-244) are related to the volume.