Book presentation at Pontificia Università della Santa Croce

On 21st November 2019 Fraknói Research Group and Universitá della Tuscia DISUCOM presented they newly joint volume of studies in Rome namely Gli „angeli custodi”delle monarchia. I cardinali protettori delle nazioni. Professor Matteo Sanfilippo and Péter Tusor were the editors of the book which was published by Edizioni Sette Cittá. The aim of this volume is to introduce the institution and functions of cardinal protectors from the beginning until 18th century. 
The event was held in Pontificia Universita Santa Croce’s great hall (Aula Benedetto XVI) where numerous inquiring was listening to Prof. Roberto Regoli’s Rev. Prof. Johannes Grohe’s Prof. Irene Fosi’s Prof. Gaetano Platania’s and Cardinal Péter Erdő’s lectures and comments on new volume.
