8th Fraknói Summer Academy - Piliscsaba 5-6 August 2022

The Fraknói Summer Academy was held for the eighth time this year. This time, following the principle of "back to the roots", the event took place in Piliscsaba, the former campus of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. The ELKH-PPKE-PTE Fraknói Vilmos Vatican Historical Research Group held its inaugural meeting on the eve of the Academy, as the opening of the new 5-year academic cycle, where the tasks and goals of the research group were discussed.
The scientific programme started on 5 August in the Avicenna Institute of Middle East Studies and continued on 6 August in the Pázmány Hall of the Stephaneum building, which is maintained by the Makovecz Campus Foundation, where scientific lectures were held in the former faculty banqueting hall.
The first day of the Academy was dominated by medieval and early modern themes. During the first day of the Academy, lectures were given by Dániel Bácsatyai, Norbert C. Tóth, Tamás Fedeles, Gábor Nemes, Tamás Kruppa, Béla Mihalik, Mons. Tamás Tóth, Balázs Rétfalvi and Rev. Máté Gárdonyi. At the end of the first day, Kornél Szovák held a panel discussion with Miklós Maróth, President of the ELKH.
On the second day, 6 August, topics ranging from the early modern period to the 20th century were presented. The speakers were Viktor Kanász, Péter Tusor, Róbert Oláh P., Katalin Nagy and György Sági.

As is customary, the Academy closed with a Holy Mass celebrated by Mons. Tamás Tóth.
