FERENC GALLA, Franciscan Missionaries in Hungary: in the Kingdom and in Transylvania during the 17th and 18th Centuries (CVH I/2), ed. ISTVÁN FAZEKAS, Budapest–Rome 2005. xx + 408 p. + 6 suppl. (pictures, map)
This data-abundant mission-historical monograph, written in Hungarian, presents the converting activities in 17th century Upper Hungary and Transylvania of the different branches of the Franciscan order, especially of the Minorites and the Observants. The work, based on the reports and letters sent to Rome by missionaries mainly of Italian origin, brings into focus Hungary’s church history in the Early Modern Times.
Its utility for international research is ensured by an enormous apparatus based on materials from the Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide and other Roman archives, an index of these sources (pp. 359–362), a Bibliography (pp. 363–367), a detailed Index (pp. 369–390), and an exhaustive, annotated Summary with chapter titles and a Table of Contents in English (pp. ccxv–ccxxix).