In the framework of the 10th Fraknói Workshop Lecture, Viktor Kanász summarized the church-organizing activities of Péter Pázmány. The event was occasioned by this year’s Fraknói Centenary. A significant part, indeed the starting point, of the renowned scholar's early modern research involved publications related to Péter Pázmány.

2024. October 4.

“La Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae – superando il predecessore di epoca positivista (Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae) – pubblica monografie, studi, regesti e pubblicazioni di fonti complete, repertori e bibliografie rilevanti per il tema della ricerca storica ungherese in Vaticano, senza ulteriori divisioni interne di genere”. Questa semplice descrizione può essere trovata sulla pagina ad Open Access della serie CVH.

2024. September 27.

At the beginning of August 2023, the presenters at the IX. Fraknói Summer Academy shared the results of their latest research on the history of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa with the audience in the archiepiscopal city. As a result of the academy, a volume has now been published, featuring nine studies edited by Viktor Kanász and György Sági. Following the foreword by research group leader Péter Tusor, the writings are organized into four chapters.

2024. September 5.
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The Vilmos Fraknói Vatican Historical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Péter Pázmány Catholic University was established in the June of 2012 as the ‘Impetus’ Church History Research Group in the frame of the Church History Research Institute of the University founded by Rector Péter Erdő in 1999. It carries on independently the latter’s publications (Bibliotheca Historiae Ecclesiasticae Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány Nuncupatae) and researches in Rome and in Vienna, with the involvement of academic and other funding sources.


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Tusor Péter - Kruppa Tamás

Tusor Péter: Egy testben egy lélek. Az egyházi állam a kora újkorban

Kruppa Tamás: Túl a zeniten. Velence a török korban

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